Brother & Sister

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Galinda was by now 7 years of age, along with her brother to accompany her to the fair. It was amazing, all the sights, sounds, & smells it was a definite change of scenery to what Galinda was used to.

So sheltered of life she had. But it wasn't new to her brother, Subbashtion. He was always with his friends kicking cans, playing wiz ball, and whatever would let them get dirty. Galinda loved being with her brother, but disliked it when having the possibly of getting mud on her shoes or dress.

Sebastian was already getting tired of the horse riding, especially when his friends would call out on him as a insult or joke that obviously didn't settle with him. Galinda was always confused when that happened, in Galinda's eyes he was the best brother ever! To others he wasn't the best example. Already unknown to Galinda, he'd been in trouble with vandalizing, stealing, and causing nothing but trouble. Reason being?

A disgrace to his family. Getting his sister off her horse, after her riding lessons, he was able to convince her to see a show with him at the local fair ground. The show was about industrial change!
Trying to keep up with her brother who was tugging excitingly, through the crowds into a tent with where a stage was set, actors showcasing the magnificent change in the Emerald City. "Inventions, electric machinery, fashion, museums, taller bigger better buildings, shiniest in all Oz!"

Soon the subject came to the possibility of Animals being of no use of being on the same level with people of Oz.
Galinda looked around at the crowds faces, watching this presentation. They all looked mostly pleased, some with concern, including her brother. Which was odd, considering he never seemed to care about anything but to make havoc.
Once home, Galinda naturally skipping up the stairs to her room as she always does, to go ready herself when called down for Dinner.

Before she could be out of sight the tone changed, catching Galinda's attention.
Hiding ontop of the grandstair case she quietly listened. Sebastian was being scolded again, this time for going to....the fair. Odd she thought. Their mother was lecturing him, asking why? He could only shrug his shoulders. He was then sent to his room with no Dinner.

Galinda new that wouldn't stop him from his mischievousness, especially when he already had a stash of snacks hidden in his room. Galinda's closet had a small door that opened straight into his room.
Only if it wasn't locked on his side. Once alone in her room, she tried to connect to him. But the door would not budge that's only if he wanted to be alone. Other times she'd crawl in and they'd share a snack, play a quiet game of cards.

Unknown to her, he was to, or should have been studying, and working out long overdue papers. But no Sebastian rather be with his sister and didn't want her to think him any less of him than her big brother.

By fall Galinda noticed her brother hasn't been around for days. Very confused she tried her secret door, but it was still locked. She tried using a secret code by knocking on the wall, but nothing.

After a week at the dinner table Galinda looked to her mother's face, showing signs of having been crying, then to her father who was hiding behind his news paper. She knew he was hiding, for he'd be looking all through dinner without turning a page.

Galinda asked if she may see, Sebastian but was ignored, as her mother asked her to eat her vegetables. Finishing her dinner, standing up but instead of excusing herself as expected, she asked where is Sebastian again. Her mother & father looked at each other, a bit shocked, then dismissed her to go and run along. To work on her writing.

And that's what she did, but to write a secret letter to her brother, after writing and letting it dry, she sleeped it under his door, only to be handed back the letter by her governess later that evening.

"Your brother is not to be bothered Galinda", she said in her stern voice. Her governess always annoyed her with her high and mighty attitude. She was like an old crab, always wearing something red and a hot tempered attitude it was enough for Galinda to want to scream. But thankfully not long after the new year she was dismissed, now that Galinda was far to old for a governess.

But also with the leave of the governess came the leave of her brother. Sebastian soon after the first snow fall, was taken away to another house smaller but much more closer to the next best medical help. Sebastian was gravely ill. By spring they had his funeral. Heart broken, Galinda after the Funeral rushed to her brother's room and grabbed his favorite things saved them within a box and hide them within her closet.

To everyone's memory Sebastian was a black sheep of the family, probably died after running around in dirt, rain, and Oz knows what?! But to Galinda he was the best brother.

It wasn't until Galinda got older she learned all her brothers miss deeds and behavior, and fully understood but still couldn't tarnish her love and admiration for her brother. Despite his bad misjudged decisions, he did care, he just wasn't one for the life of titles , and luxury.

Galinda never spoke about her brother, only unhappy disapproved faces would fallow. But he was always there within every cat or dog or animal she'd see being a pest or mischevious. Smiling, rolling her eyes as if, masked the love she always held for her dear brother, Sebastian.

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