Chapter Seven:Why can't the cute guy be gay?

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Chapter Seven:Why can't the cute guy be gay?

I walked up to be face to face with Haley.

"You use blackmail to get to Dillion?"I ask.

"Sure if it'll work,"she chuckled.

I pushed her shoulders back so she would stumble back.

"Hey!"she shouts.

I stomp inside and sit on the couch.

I wish I could just sleep for eternity.

James came in and sat beside me.

"You know Dill-,"I cut him off, "let's not talk about him,"

I laid my head on his shoulder and asked,"is it worth it?"

"What?"he asked.

"All this trouble?Just for a guy?"

James wrapped his muscular arm around me,"that's up to you sweetie,"

"Maybe it'll be like one of those stories where the really cute guy who you have a huge crush on,and kiss,and think your going to spend your life with, turns out gay,"I explained.

Why can't the cute guy be gay?

"Dillion?Gay?He's as straight as a pencil,"James chuckled.

"Or one of the stories where the girl dates the bad boy leader and then ends up with the really sweet friend,"I whisper.

I look up at James and he's blushing.

"Believe me sweetie, you and Dillion are meant to be,"he says and leans his head on top of mine.

"Am I though?"I ask in a whisper.

"Omg Abbie your making me think,"James complains and laughs.

I laugh with him.

Maybe I will end up with the really sweet friend.

Soon Dillion walks in and James practically runs out of the room.

"Hey Abbie,"Dillion whispers.

I stand up and walk over to him.

I grab his hand and then lean in and kiss him.

He kisses me back.


My heart began racing.

"You-you kissed me back,"I stuttered.

"Of course because I....I l-l,"he stopped, of course it's hard to tell someone you love them especially when you don't know how they feel.

"Dillion?"I ask.

"Yes?"he asks and smiles.

I shook my head, "I'll tell you the day the deal is off,"

I wished this stupid deal wasn't a thing.I wish I didn't ever got involved with Dillion.I wish I could just get fucked by Dillion and have him out Of my life.

That's it, I need to get him to bang me and make sure it feels like nothing and then he can get out of my life forever.

I ran up the stairs to James and knocked on his door.

"James it me, Abbie.Can I come in?"I asked.

"Yeah sure!"he shouts.

I walk in and James is throwing his shirt into a hamper.

"What's up sweetie?"he asked sitting on his bed.

"What does Dillion like?"I asked.

"Dogs,beaches,swimming,football,sex,oh and a big one,black lingerie,"he lists.

"Ok,"I sigh.

I walked out of my room and grabbed a notebook and pen.

●BLACK lingerie

They seemed like they all go together.

I jumped up and ran outside.

"Dillion!Can I take your car?"I asked.

"What?Why?"he asked.

"Because,"I respond.

He hands me the keys to a red camero with black markings.

I jumped in and drove to a mall.

Eventually,I found black lingerie and the guy who helped me out said, "It's the best,especially if you want to get banged."

I bought it with the credit card Dillion gave me.

Then I went to my car and drove home but before I left I bought a football.

I went home and washed it.

While it was washing I went back to James and explained my plan.

"James, I want Dillion out of my hair so I don't have to stress over all this bullshit so, I want you to get everyone out of the house and then I'll make my move.I'm going to try to get bang-,"James cuts me off.

"Abbie you don't have to go through all this trouble,"he says.

"Oh,but I do,"I say.

He shakes his head and looks at me.

"Please don't get hurt,"he smiles and does something I wasn't expecting.He kissed me.

"I won't,"I whispered.

I smiled and left.

I grabbed my lingerie and threw it on.

It was time.

Sorry that this chapter was short and quick but hopefully the rest of this book can make up for that.Also,I do know that this is only the 7th chapter and a lot has happened and I plan for even more.*rubs hands together*

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