Chapter 6 Leader of Fidem

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Karma opens a private com channel to talk to the rest of the fleet. "I'm going out, everyone else stay on your ships. I'm going to find out if we are safe with the people here on this planet." stated Karma turning off the com. She walks out of the cockpit and exist the ship. She pulls on the regular cloak making sure her head is covered. She walks through the woods towards the village they saw on the radar. She finally reaches the outskirts of the village. She enters the village to find that all the people looked like cats. She asks a guard, "I was told to come here, could you please take me to your village chief?" The guards escort Karma to a huge palace colored a light green. One of the guards enters to tell the leader that Karma was there.
The guard returns and tells the other guard the orders. They escort her into the palace. Inside, it was dimly light, but you could see the village chief as clear as day. Chief says, "I'm glad you got my message. I was almost worried that you wouldn't come." She gets up and walks toward Karma. "I wasn't sure if I should have come, but after figuring out why you wanted me to come, I had everyone pack. I have come to confirm that we are safe here." Karma pulls off her hood. Chief says, " My name is Chi, I am chief of the Feline tribe. I have readied an area for your troops if you will just follow me." Karma nods and stands aside for Chi to walk pass. She follows her to the east part of the village. Their are buildings for sleep, an eating area, separate showers, and a mini-main base. Karma smiles happily and takes out her wrist com. "Leave the ships where they are and come to my coordinates, we are safe here.", Karma says. Karma turns around and continues to smile, in the sunlight, she can now sees what Chi looks like better. She is all black with a gold and a red eye, she is short but thin, and seems active even though she is a chief.
A few hours later, the rebels met up with Karma and she showed them where they would all be staying. She then introduced Leia, Luke, Yoda, Magnus, Ahsoka, Kaiden, and Ezra to Chief Chi. They all talked for a while until it was time for bed.

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