Finally, She's the One ( Final )

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The story continued when Yamano entering the Nekogirl Selection Room.
Akihito has found her new waifu which is Kurumi, the Ghoul girl. Now, it is Yamano's turn to find his new waifu, the Nekogirl

Dr.Sarah: I have a good feeling about this. I feel it.

Yamano: You know, I have a feeling that I will doing this in one try.

Dr.Sarah: Don't put your hope high. Nekogirl is one tough species to tame. But I believe in you, Yamano-kun ❤

Yamano: Ok, I'm ready.

Dr.Sarah: Good luck, Yamano-kun.

The time has come. Yamano is ready. Before entering the room, he look at Dr.Sarah one last time. Sarah just smile and show a thumbs up for Yamano.

Yamano: Here goes nothing..

He entered the room. What Yamano see is there are many Nekogirl in many ages from little girl to teenagers and teenagers to young adult and young adult to adult. Once they spotted Yamano, some of them are keeping a distance from Yamano. But more of them curious by going near Yamano.

Yamano: Ohh.. Hello there.

The nekogirls seems to be ready to "play" with Yamano. One of them approaching Yamano.

Nekogirl 1: Onii-chan, I want to play with you, nyaaan❤

Nekogirl 2: Nyaan, he will play with me first.

Nekogirl 3: Get in line, ladies.

Then, the nekogirls is fighting themselves for Yamano's attention.

Yamano: This thing is out of hands. I must go now.

Yamano quickly running away while the nekogirls is fighting. Once far away from them, there is a bench there for Yamano to sit and take a breath.

Yamano: Woah.. this is harder than I thought. Dr.Sarah is right. I must focus.

Suddenly, there is a nekogirl crawling near Yamano. When she saw Yamano, she slowly approaching Yamano.

Nekogirl 4: Nyaan, hi there❤❤

Yamano: Hello,

Nekogirl 4: Are you the one who will make me as your waifu.

Yamano: I think so...

Nekogirl 4: Can you help me with something.Please pat my head, please~~~

Yamano: Sure. Like this ( patting the nekogirl's head )

Nekogirl 4: Yes, nyaaan❤❤

Yamano is patting the nekogirl's head. She seems to enjoy and satisfied by Yamano's hand patting. Meanwhile, Yamano seeing the Love Seeker at his wrist to see the the heart symbol turn coloured from purple to red. After 5 second, the colour is still purple.

Yamano: Oh no. The colour is still purple.

Nekogirl 4: Nyaan??

Yamano: I'm sorry, little girl. You're not the one I'm looking for. Please, forgive me.

Yamano is afraid if he is hurting the nekogirl's feeling because she is not the one that Yamano's looking for. He don't want to see the nekogirl's sad by closing his eyes. But instead.....

Nekogirl 4: Its ok. Maybe this is not my time yet to found my husband, nyaan.

Yamano: You're not sad??

Nekogirl 4: Why do I have to do that?

Yamano: Because you didn't found your husband yet.

Nekogirl 4: I'm not sad. I'm already use to this thing.

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