Broken and scared, safety is all i need (the vamps fan fiction)

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It was the day the day I had been dreading for months, it was time to move out of Aberdeen. I was moving to Birmingham to go live with my auntie. I was so scared I was scared of plenty of things but this was far from the most scariest thing I had done so far, I was leaving my dad (which was a relief) but it was scary because he would hurt me if any part of the plan went wrong I was a 17 year old girl with long blonde hair blue eyes and a lot of cuts and bruises making me look as rough as hell I was at the end of my street sitting down waiting for my lift. My auntie had promised she would send someone down to come pick me up as she was unable to herself. I was just thinking about everything that happened and how I was moving from Aberdeen to Birmingham to live with my auntie so I am safe I was thinking about my ex and all the things he had done to me. I had round about a seven hour drive with someone I didn't even know to say I wasn't looking forward to it would be an understament I was going to be bored out my mind and that It will be awkward as hell as all I knew was my aunties next door neighbour was coming to pick me up and drop me to my aunties house. I was waiting for him to come pick me up just sitting on my suitcase, I sort of felt sorry for him he was driving all the way here to drive all the  way back. As it was waiting someone approached me, I tensed instantly knowing who it was

Hey Laura trying to escape me are we a familiar voice hissed in my ear it was my ex. Get lost Jake I don't want anything to do with you can't control me anymore I stuttered. Your right I can't but do you know who can is your dad and we've teamed up and were going to make your life a living hell he hissed again pinning me up against the wall so tight I was about in tears. Excuse me sir someone tapped Jake on the shoulder. What he said turning round. Get the hell away from her you have ten seconds before I hit you. Jake turned to look at me I'll be back don't you worry about that he whispered and then walked away. Hey your Laura isn’t you? I'm Tristan I'm your aunties next door neighbour here to pick you up are you alright who was he. It doesn't matter please can you just get me to my aunties I said nervously

Alright I'll get you there but if he bothers you again make sure you come to me I know you probably don't trust me but my mum and your auntie are best friends and I can be your best friend he said with a huge grin on his face oh I almost forgot this is Connor he's my best mate to

I looked at Connor who smiled so sweetly his smile lit the whole of his face up he was gorgeous he put butterfly's into my stomach hey he said nervously after adding I'll be your best friend to you but Better because well I'm better than Tristan

I smiled here let me take your bags Tristan said picking them up as we got into the car I saw him looking at me Jake that was he was watching from a distance Connor followed my gaze and saw him too he put his hand on my shoulder come on Laura she won't hurt you he said opening the car door for me

Tristan was driving and me and Connor were sitting in the back I was looking out the window as tears streamed down my face Tristan looked at me and asked if I was okay

Yeah I'm fine erm Tristan can we go to mc Donald's or somewhere before I go to my aunties I need some time to calm down I don't want her to know what just happened he smiled

I'm always up for a McDonald's he said cheerfully aren't we all Connor said you could see the happiness In their eyes they were like puppies.

Broken and scared, safety is all i need (the vamps fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now