Mc donalds

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We arrived at McDonalds after driving for about three hours. it was round about 10 at night. I was deep in thought when Connor interrupted my thoughts “Laura what do you want to eat?”  “erm I will have a coke please”  I replied smiling slightly at him. Handing him enough to pay for my drink. He frowned at me “Tristian is paying don’t worry about it” “what about me” Tristan said walking out of the toilet.  “You’re paying for her drink” Connor replied. “Laura is that all your having” Tristian said raising an eye brow I simply nodded and after a long pause I explained that I was not that hungry saying it more to myself than to them.

They left to go to get the meals that they were having leaving me with my thoughts, leaving me with my thoughts NEVER ends well, I had tears streaming down my face. not that I realised this I was oblivious to it to interested in my thoughts.

Suddenly Tristan came up to me hugging me. Making me instantly tense, men always scare me I always think they’re going to hurt me nothing will ever make me trust them. not after what happened. Tristan sighed. “Laura I would never hurt you” he stated. I couldn’t reply I was going into a panic mode. “Everything going to be ok Laura no one will hurt you we won’t let them and that is a promise” this time it was Connor who put his input in. I smiled a bit and nodded. After eating all our food and drinking our drink in my case. It was silence. We had made small talk through the food but not a lot and mainly it was Connor and Tristian talking to each.

Connor and Tristan looked at each other and nodded, Laura I know you probably won’t be comfy with this Tristan started, but something made him stop. This was making me feel panicky and I think Connor could tell, as he decided to butt in and not wait for Tristan to finish, “Laura Tristan has been driving all day and he’s tired so is it alright if we get a hotel it’s just across the road. He said and then pointed at the hotel. I wasn’t going to lie I felt nervous I could feel a panic attack coming along. At that point I looked around and noticed the familiar face, the face I was so desperately trying to get away from, he had followed me. My ex was here he was watching me. I needed to get out before they think I’m a weird or Jake hurts them I would never forgive myself if they got hurt for me.

 I did the only thing I could think to do I ran into the toilet locking myself in the cubicle ready to sit out the panic attack that was coming I sat down on the toilet crying and trying to breath properly. It wasn’t going well. I wasn’t calming down. i heard a knock on the cubicle. i tried to keep as quite as possible so they went away but they didn’t happen. After about two minutes I heard someone speaking. “Laura its Tristan I know you’re in there” I didn’t reply I couldn’t I could barely breath let alone able to speak. The next thing I hear is “ew a girls pad that gross why would they leave that ew I feel sick.” it was Connors voice that that came from. I had to laugh I looked up to see to boys standing over the cubicle. Laura are you okay? We don’t have to if you don’t want to. Tristan stated. I shook my head. “It wasn’t that Tristian I just had a panic attack coming on and I didn’t want you to see me like it so that’s why I ran” I explained Connor was the next to ask a question. “Why did you have a panic attack?” He questioned me. I sighed ready to explain everything. I started but I couldn’t I couldn’t trust them I didn’t know them they could be like my dad like Jake my ex once I thought that alarm bells went off in my head we needed to get out and fast. I sighed. “I just get them all the time. It’s nothing big but can we just go to the hotel please” I said through tears. They nodded and got down from the toilet seat as I left the cubicle. They stopped at the door and turned to me “one more thing Laura were going to have to share a room as your auntie only gave me enough for one room”  they looked at each other worried. I nodded “its fine I will feel safer like that anyway” I said half-heartedly smiling.

Broken and scared, safety is all i need (the vamps fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now