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"How is he?" Midorima ask

"His fine...he said he didnt hungry but he finish his food" kuroko said

"So midorima kun how can we help him to find the donor?" Kuroko ask with a sad face

"I dont know kuroko..but I will try to ask the hospital if thay have the donor" midorima said

"Thank you midorima kun"

"Dont thank me kuroko...both of you are my friend and I...I care about both of you" midorima said looking away because he embarrassed...kuroko just smile then midorima go out and kuroko sleep beside akashi




When akashi woke up he saw tetsuya beside him sleeping peacefully...he was thinking 'he so beatiful...will I be able to see his beatiful face again?there is no way I survive this without the donor...well maybe I should do some activiti with them...maybe that going to be our last time playing together' he thought with a sad face

While tetsuya is awake and he didnt realise that akashi is awake because he was spacing out just like akashi 'will sei leave us?will sei be able to be with us again?he just come back but now he is leaving again but the different is he leaving forever'

Now both of them spacing out with a sad face without realising that both of them are awake until someone knock their door

"Akashicchi,kurokocchi...we want to talk for a while" kise open the door

"Come in kise kun" kuroko invite them to come in

"What is it ryouta?" Akashi ask

"Well...we were thinking that maybe we should do some activiti"

"But you know about sei kun...he cant..." kuroko word was interrupt by akashi

"Lets do it" akashi said and kise was happy

"But sei...what is something happen?" Kuroko ask worry

"I wont tetsuya...I know you worry about me but I will be fine as long as you with me" akashi said

"But...but.." and once again he was interrupt

"Come on tetsu..just a simple game...come on tetsu"

"Please kurokocchi" kise ask with a sad face

"Kuro chin pleaseeeee" murasakibara ask with a lazy voice

"Come on kuroko kun" takao did what kise did

"Please kuroko kun" himuro ask as well

"Come on you want them to be a childish" midorima said

"So meannnn" all of them said with fake sad face then all of them laugh

"Fine fine" kuroko finally give up but he continue

"With one condition" kuroko said with serious face

"What is it tetsu?" Aomine ask

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