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"I just cant eat more or sleep well....I was thinking about you" he said to me

"Thank you because you care about me but you should not do that again" I said

"Now you must eat and sleep well okey" I tell him

"Okey" he said



"You have to promise that you will eat more and sleep well" Kuroko said

"Promise" I said

"Kuroko?" I call him while looking at the ground

"Yes akashi kun?" He look at me

"What happen?how can you be like this?who did this to you?" I ask him while looking straight to his eyes

"Why did you ask?" He ask me back

"Because of that had to be  operate...I cant see you like this...I love you tetsuya...and I dont want to see you get hurt...And I am going to get revenge for this"I said to him while looking at the ground

"I agree with akashi....we will get revenge for this" Aomine said

"Yes I agree" Kise said

"Yeah me too....sorry kurochin but this time I agree with akachin....I hate to see my friend get hurt...are you coming midochin?" Murasakibara said while eating his snack

"Yes I will come"midorima said while pushing his glasses

"Please guys....I dont want you guys to get revenge only because of this... and if you guys  get revenge on this person...he will hurt us one by one"

"What do you mean hurt us one by one?do all of us know this person?" I ask him

"Yes akashi kun....all of us know him and he know all of us" he said while looking at the window

"Who is he tetsu?tell us" Aomine said


They keep pushing me to tell them who did this to me ' should I tell them?but if I tell them...they will get revenge on haizaki kun and maybe haizaki kun will hurt them more then what he did to me...afterall he is a criminal now and he have a knife and maybe he has a gun...and he may kill them but if I dont tell them, they will mad at me....what should I do?' I thought to myself

"Come on kurokocchi....just tell us" kise begging me

"Yeah you want to lie to us?you dont trust us anymore?" Murasakibara said to me

"...." Midorima didnt said anything after hear that...all of them keep silent after hear that...I dont want to lie to my friend....after  a minute silent...then I decide to tell them

"Okey I will tell you but promise that you wont get revenge....promise?" I said to them

"But..." akashi try to spoke but I interrupt him

"No but akashi kun....if you want know dont get any revenge on this person...take it or leave it" I said it with smile on my face

"Errr why do you protect this person...fine I promise" akashi said with angry face

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