Chapter One

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Chapter 1:

  Blood dripping down the bed, cuts and bruises cover the women. The floor covered in crimson red, marks paint across the wall as if an open canvas. All of a sudden, I hear sounds of an ambulance, police cars, and the sound of wind rushing passed. I grab a black bag lying on the counter, pack it with various things, and head out to the parking lot.  I race towards my black and silver mustang. Just as I’m about to jump in, someone stops me. “Who the hell are you?” he says.

   I look at the man in disbelief. I stare right into his dark brown eyes, and wait. I don’t exactly know why I’m waiting, maybe for him to kill me? But, instead I find his lips locked against mine. When I release I find that he’s pointed a gun underneath my chin. “Answer my question, who are you?” he asks. I hesitate to answer, but once I hear the cop cars I know that I shouldn’t spend long around here. “Bella Grace”, I reply. I look at him and once I know it, I’ve already taken the gun from him and pointed it right at the center of his forehead. I tap my heels and give a slight grin.  “And yours?” I ask. “Sebastian Skies” he answers. I release the gun and already I can hear the police cars getting closer. “Get in the car”, I tell Sebastian. I unlock the car and throw the bag into the back seat. “Aren’t you afraid I might kill you?” he says. I laugh at his question. “You haven’t shot me yet, and I bet you couldn’t if you tried. I could beat your ass any day.” Sebastian gets in the car and I roll up the windows, lock the car doors, and drive off to Destination Anywhere.

   After about thirty minutes of driving, I turn to him quickly and ask “Why’d you kiss me?”. In the corner of my eye I can see him smiling. “Why wouldn’t I?” he says.  Before I know it, I begin to blush. I turn away from him, trying to hide it. “Does that flatter you?” he says. I give a slight smile and I open my mouth to answer but instead I shut it back closed; there goes another fifteen minutes of silence. “Can I ask why we are driving nowhere?” I glance at him, and now I notice every feature of him. I don’t know whether it’s the shock of him kissing me or what I just witnessed in that hotel. He’s fit looking, and he’s got dark brown hair that goes just over his forehead but not quite to his eyes. It’s not straight and yet not curly. I guess you can call it wavy. He’s got muscles in his arm and when he smiles he’s got the most perfect teeth. “Grace?” I then realize that I’ve blacked out for maybe four or five minutes. I answer to him, anyway.  “There’s a hit list, and I’m on it. There have been twelve people sent to go find and kill me. I’ve come across seven and killed them before they killed me. There are five left. I know where two of them are, and I know that the other three are highly dangerous. I also know that anyone associated in this company will go to all levels just to please the boss. I couldn’t let you go back there because they’d probably kill you too after seeing you with me. If not, they’d keep you locked up and try to get information out of you. I went to the hotel to find one of my closest friends to get her to come with me so that she wouldn’t die. But when I arrived at the hotel, it was too late. She’s gone. The worst part was that I knew her ever since I was four. She’s been like a sister to me. Every time I need her, she was there for me. But, when she needed me the most I stood in that hotel room and saw her lying on the bed. I couldn’t do anything to save her. I called the ambulance and ran out of there.” I turn to him to see his reaction but it doesn’t seem like he’s scared or even nervous. The rest of the trip is quiet.

   In another hour of driving, I head towards the gas station to fill up the tank. I take out the keys from the car and stay there. “Do you want to get some stuff inside the store and I’ll fill up the car?”. I’m shocked by his offer, but I’m in no mood to turn it down.  I hand the keys to him and get out of the car. I walk inside the store and pick up two toothbrushes, a bottle of toothpaste, two water bottles, four sandwiches, a bag of chips, and a pack of gum. After I pay for everything, I head into the bathroom for a quick look at myself. I tie up my blonde hair into a pony tail; I wash my face with some water and just stare at myself in the mirror. When I look at my blue eyes I instantly think of Lilah, why didn’t I come sooner? If she lived could I have met Sebastian? I wipe my face with a paper towel and head out of the store. When I get into the car I notice that Sebastian is looking at me. “What?” I ask. “Nothing, its nothing.” he says. I can see him smiling but I just try to ignore it. I drive around for a while looking for a place for us to stay at and I come across a hotel. We get out of the car and I head immediately for the lobby, while Sebastian gets the bag in the back of the car and the freshly store bought items.

   The hotel receptionist greets me with a smile and gives the usual phrase ‘How can I help you’. I smile back and ask for one standard room.  Sebastian walks in with the stuff and the receptionist gives a quick glance at me and him and hands me a key. I look at the key number and we head to the elevator. On the way to the room, there’s that awkward silence between us. No one dares to break it. When I slide the key card on the door it opens and we find that there’s only one bed. I can already tell Sebastian’s smiling. “Huh, one bed” he says.  I smile back and say “I guess you’re sleeping on the floor tonight”.  That shut him right up and took away the grin from his face. Double win.

   Sebastian heads into the bathroom to take a shower while I change my clothes into the pajamas in the bag. I take out the pony tail in my hair and comb through it. When finish I open the bathroom door to brush my teeth. At the last minute I remember Sebastian is taking a shower and before I could stop myself I’m opening the bathroom door and I see him calmly putting on a towel to cover his lower body and I see his abs. My mouth drops open at the sight and I quickly close the door and I already know he saw me. I jump onto the bed and pretend that nothing happened. About thirteen minutes later Sebastian comes out of the bathroom with a white t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I then realize that he got those from the hotel. They have a special thing here, where if you need anything they’d immediately give it to you. Maybe something to be sure that the customers give a good review of the place. He smiles at the sight of me. “You enjoy the show?” he says while towel drying his hair. He takes off his shirt and shorts and only has his boxers left. “I hope you don’t mind but sleeping like this is more comfortable.” I give a quiet laugh. “I don’t mind at all since you’re sleeping on the floor.” I know he’s only doing this to think that’d I give in, but believe me I’m smarter than that. I take off my pajama pants and there is only a long pajama shirt covering me. “I really hope you don’t find this distracting.” He laughs and sits on the bed next to me.

   “It’s best to keep a distance relationship from me, I could hurt you”, he says. “If you can’t hurt me physically, I doubt you can hurt me emotionally”, I say. He looks at me for a while and then I notice us leaning in closer. We eventually kiss and it wasn’t like the kiss before. Now that I know him, it feels real. Like it was actually supposed to happen. His lips are warm and soft, I just don’t want to let go. Not even for air. He releases after about two minutes later. We just stay there looking at each other’s eyes. “Go to sleep”, he says. “Okay, but you’re going to stay with me and hold me”, I say. I get myself into the bed and put the blanket over us; he comes in closer and wraps his arms around me. He lays his head on my neck and I can feel his warmth collide with mine. Our hearts are beating as one, and the only sound is of us breathing. “What happened to sleeping on the floor”, he whispers. “What happened to keeping a distance relationship”, I whisper back.

   In the morning, we awake to the sound of passing cars and horns honking. I get up and take a shower, while he changes his clothes. We brush our teeth and complete the usual morning routine. I pack everything up into the black bag and we head out. As I check out, he puts the stuff into the car. When I get out of the lobby I go into the car and start it. We drive off and after about forty miles or so I hear a gun shot. I turn to face Sebastian, to see if he heard it. His facial expression definitely shows that he has. I hear several gun shots afterwards. Then, the back car windshield shatters. I press on the gas and drive as fast as I can. I can feel the bullets hitting the car. In my rear car view I can see three black cars. It’s sad to see that those Ferraris aren’t going to get much money when they’re sold back. They’ll probably go to the Junkyard when I’m through with them.

   I take out gun from under the driver’s seat and hand it to Sebastian. “Shoot”, I yell at him.  He reaches out of the car window and starts shooting at the cars. I see that he’s already killed the drivers and passengers of two of the three cars. The third car comes closer and hits the back of my Mustang. I let out a few swear words and go on a rampage about how much this is going to cost me. “Hit the tires of the car”, I tell him. “Are you sure”, he replies. “Positive”, I say back. Sebastian then shoots at the back tire of my car. “I meant theirs, you dumbass!” I couldn’t exactly hear him but I think he said oh. The two front tires of the last black car are now flat and my car is slowing down. “Kill them now!” I can hear glass shattering and the occasional ‘Oww’. The black car hits the metal bar of the road and explodes. I got to be honest; I didn’t really expect the blowing up part. I stop the car and I look at Sebastian. “Are you okay”, I ask him. “Considering I just killed a few people, and you calling me a dumbass…yeah”, he says. I get out of the car to inspect the people who just shot at us and I found that two of the people are the ones that’s been hunting after me. That means only three left to kill.

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