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Rank in class : [1/35]
Rank in grade : [4/196]

Kim Sera rolled her eyes at her rank in her batch. She was on first place before, but now she dropped to the forth place. Her parents must not be happy about this.

But then she smirked to herself. Did they ever be happy when it comes to me?

" Mandarin, English, Arts ", she muttered the name of subjects that she didn't got A+ for them.

Eventhough Sera is a bright student, she still have her own lacks. She didn't do that well in languages and arts, as she was more into science and mathematics. That's why her languages and arts were bad.

" I would drop arts, for sure ", she mumbled again, before getting away from the announcement board.

That's the usual for Sera, whenever the examination results come out, she would be the first person to look at it, eventhough she already knew which class she would be in for her next grade.

" Seraa~ ", a voice called out and in a second, a girl already clinging on Sera's side. Kim Doyeon smiled brightly at her friend.

" Guess what? ", she quizzed, making Sera furrowed her eyebrows at her friend of 7 years.

" I'm getting in the first class ~~ ", Sera's frown changed into a wide smile, before she hugged Doyeon tightly. The two tall girls were so happy, for they have been hoping to be in the same class since before.

The school break was near, and they will get into their senior year, before graduating. Of course, it's a crucial moment for Sera and everyone else. Sera aimed to enter the college to pursue her study, same as Doyeon.

And the only way to achieve her dream is to study more and achieve higher scores, which will became quite hard for her after this.


Sera pressed the password of her house unit, before entering to be greeted by the sight of her family eating dinner without her. She opened her school shoes, and placed them on the rack before getting to her room, which was in front the dining table.

" Don't you know how to greet your parents anymore? ", Kim Mingyu, Sera's older brother who is also the eldest in the siblings asked, eyes not taken off from his soup.

Sera rolled her eyes in annoyance, before bowing lightly to her parents.

" Good evening ", she greeted simply, not even bothered to join them, so she wasn't that taken aback when her mother asked her to take shower first before eating her dinner.

As the girl finished her bath, Sera sat on the end of her bedroom, hands busy drying her hair off with her towel.

I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry. However, the grumbles from her stomach said otherwise, since she hasn't had anything since lunch at her school.

" Kim Sera! Come out and have your dinner! ", Mrs Kim yelled out, banging on Sera's bedroom door. The girl just let out a sigh, before getting on her feet and dragging it outside her bedroom.

Sera went out to see her father, having a good laugh with her younger sister. Well, not that younger than her. Sera was born in January and her sister was born in December. They were in the same grade, and that's what pissed her a lot.

Sera get to the dining table before sitting alone on it, spooning the soup her mom left her into a bowl. Soon enough, her brother Mingyu came over, sitting across her.

Eventhough she wondered what else did he want, Sera just ignored him. that's how things worked for her.

" The teachers said I did a good job~ I am the only one who get into the first class, among my classmates ", Sera almost dropped her spoon at her sister's words. She wanted to look at her but her eyes said no.

" Aww, my Saeron is very smart. You have friends in the first class right? ", Mr Kim praised, ruffling the hair of his daughter who was snuggling on his shoulder.

Great, another thing to be compared , Sera thought to herself. Her lips twitched as she tasted the soup that suddenly tasteless because of the news.

Her annoyance increased when Saeron decided to pick on her, indirectly as she usually did.

" Sera is great too~ she got the first place in her class ", Saeron said, rising her head to look at Sera.

" But there's other students who got the first three places in our grade. You have done well, unnie ", Saeron said cheerfully, before her eyes glanced on their father's expression.

A small smile of victory curved on her lips when she saw Mr Kim's expression sullen.

" I told you to stop your part time work and focus on your study, didn't I? ", Mr Kim asked grimly, not even looking at Sera's face but focusing on the television instead.

Sera chewed the chicken slices in her soup slowly, eyes on the soup, heart burning. She knew Saeron intentionally said that to make her father mad to her.

" Its not like we can't afford your tuition fees or anything ", Mr Kim added. Mrs Kim who brought some sliced watermelon nodded in agreement with her husband's words.

Yes, and you'll be mentioning about that tuition fees 25/8. Sera thought to herself. Mingyu noticed his sister's facial expression, and he placed three slices of watermelon on a plate before passing it to Sera, making the girl looked at him.

She pushed the plate towards him again, rejecting the fruits. Forming a frown on the guy's face.

" If you gave your all out for your studies, I'm sure you will get the first place. But you're too busy with your nonsense ", Mr Kim continued to talk.

" If you're just as bright as Saeron, I won't be mad. You don't even have any talents - why can't you just focus on what you're good at? ", Sera get on her feet, before getting to the sink and threw the leftover soup she had just now.

She ignored the blabbers by her father about she was being rude and the nags from her mother about she hadn't had proper dinner and will troubles her mother if she fall sick.

" I'm tired ", she said, before getting in her room and slamming the door shut.

Yes, she knew she was being rude but who could stay when they were being mocked on and being compared with the others. It was not the first time her parents did that, and she even forgot when the last time her parents actually being nice to her.

She couldn't blame them either. It's in the nature of human to love pretty things - of course they would prefer Saeron, the adorable and lovely girl over her. That's how her life worked after all this time.

She would have to give everything she have to Saeron, if the younger wants them. But she somehow wasn't complaining. It matured her actually eventhough she became quite rebellious.

Take it all, I will leave this place anyway. Sera thought to herself, before going on her bed, holding her grumbling stomach that didn't even had more than three spoon of soup just now.

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