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The dance classroom was quiet and the only sound that could be heard was Lucas's footwork on the floor as he tried to master the dance step he learnt earlier. He looked so focused as he put his all in the dance.

After a while, the tall boy finally plopped on the floor as he leaned against the mirror for their practice purpose, breathing for air. Lucas then grabbed his bag and searched for his handphone. Once he had his phone in his hand, he slided it opened to be greeted by Sera's texts, asking about where he is.

He pressed Sera's number and tried to call the girl. However, the dance practice room was opened, revealing Sera who was looking at her phone before pressing the red button on her phone, declining Lucas's call.

Sera had a paper bag that containing food along with her. She then walked towards Lucas who was smiling weakly at her, before plopping next to the tall boy.

" I thought you said you'll be at the café ", Sera said as she took out a can of coffee for her and a bottle of banana milk for Lucas. Two packs of sandwiches also being took out from the paper bag.

" My teacher asked me to practice more, sorry I forgot to tell you ", Lucas apologised as he extended his hand to hold Sera's hand. It have been a habit for him to hold Sera's hand, since he found her hands are really warm.

" But still, you shouldn't skipped your lunch. How can you practice if -- ", a peck on her lips shut Sera down, making the girl scowled at Lucas before she hit him on his shoulder.

" Let me finish my words! ", she scolded before continuing her words, glaring at the giggling Lucas.

" How can you practice with empty stomach ", Sera finally can finished her words. She looked at Lucas to see the boy was already staring at her with adoring eyes, making she felt shy but she played it off by flicking his cheek.

Lucas squealed in pain before laughing it off, as he played with Sera's fingers. His gazes on the girl was still fixed.

" Its really amazing, you know? I was feeling so miserable a few moments ago and when you're here, all my worries were faded ", he said with a warm smile.

" Tch ", Sera couldn't came out with any replies at Lucas's confession. She couldn't even looked at the boy's face for she was too embarrassed.

" Here, drink this ", Sera said as she hold out the banana milk that she opened for Lucas just now. A scowl appeared on her face when Lucas was declining her offer, saying that he didnt have any appetite to eat or drink anything.

Sera knew what Lucas was bothered by something in his head and she was ready to listen about it, but not until the boy actually eat something.

" Drink or no kiss for a week ", she threatened and in a flash of light the banana milk exchanged into Lucas's hand before the boy sipped on the drink.

A chuckle left Sera's lips at Lucas, before she playfully pinched the boy's cheek. She wondered how can the boy passed through the wall she have been building since then and making her soft for him.

" I'm done, where's my kiss? ", Lucas demanded for his reward as he had his sandwiches eaten. He was already pulling Sera close to him but the girl stopped him by holding his shoulder away from her.

" Tell me "

" Tell you what? ", Lucas was puzzled at Sera's sudden demand and his expression dropped when Sera said she knew something was playing in his mind.

" I'm .. I'm actually not confident that I can enter any university ", Lucas said as his shoulder dropped from the unmotivated feeling. His expression saddened Sera but the girl just listened to his rants.

" I mean there's a lot of better candidates out there who can do well compared to me. I'm not really that smart and I'm not really great in performing arts ", Lucas continued, not being able to meet his girlfriend's gaze on him.

" I'm worried if you entered university while I'm still searching for things to do. Maybe you think its ridiculous but I'm worried if you might find someone better than me in university and leave me ", Sera scoffed at Lucas's words before she pulled away her hands from him.

" There's a lot of better person out there compared to me, does that mean you'll leave me once you met them? ", Sera asked angrily at Lucas, making the boy looked up at her and search for her hands again.

" No, why would I "

" Its the same for me too. Why would you think I would leave you for someone else? ", disappointment was shown in her voice. She was about to blabber more if its not for Lucas muttering sorry slowly and looking at her pleadingly.

Sera swallowed her saliva before patting Lucas's hand that was holding hers as she looked at the boy assuringly.

" Its fine even if you couldn't make it into the university. You could still figure out what to do if you are not in the university. I'm not saying that being in university is everything but we can put our efforts while we still have time ", she said with a warm smile.

" There's a lot of things that you can try out there, its not necessary to end up in university, you know. I'm aiming for university because I'm not good at anything aside for studying. And you're ready good at dancing, why would you said otherwise? ", Lucas met gazes with Sera as he listened to the girl's rants, and a small smile formed on his lips at his admiration on his girlfriend.

" But just know that I'll always supported you, so don't get discouraged easily, okay? ", Sera ended her rants as she cupped Lucas's cheek and looked at his eyes to encourage him.

Taking Sera's hand on his cheek as an advantage, Lucas leaned in to kiss Sera before he pulled away and smiled at her. He  took her hands in him before repeatedly attacking Sera with kisses, feeling his worries lighten up at her words of encouragement just now.

Sera only giggled at Lucas's playful action before the boy pulled her closer to him and leaned his head on the girl's shoulder. He smiled widely when Sera caressed his hair with her free hand as her other hand was securely held by Lucas.

" My kids will be very lucky ", Lucas blurted out, startling Sera at his sudden claim.

" Huh? "

" I said my kids will be very lucky to have a very supportive mom ", Sera's cheek reddened at his words before the hand that caressed his hair hit his head. She was blushing really hard that Lucas could felt her cheek heating near him.

" I want 7 of them ", Lucas added his teasing, enjoying Sera's flustered reaction eventhough he have to stand her hitting from being embarrassed.

" Three. Take it or leave it ", Sera decided to play along with Lucas's teasing, making the boy shot her a teasing grin and he get his face near Sera's.

" Should we start the process now? ", a slap on the forehead received by Lucas before Sera tried to push him away. However his hug around her waist was tight enough to avoid her from leaving.

Lucas laughed before telling Sera that he was just joking to stop Sera from blabbering and hitting him. Sera stopped her hitting action but her face was still reddened at Lucas's jokes. The couple the stayed in their hugging position until the bell rang, indicating that recess hour was over.

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