Chapter 18

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I'm writing in 3rd person now because for like four chapters straight, I had to go back and edit them because I started writing in third person so...


*Not Edited*

Louis had the biggest smile on his face as he fell on the bed, face first making it hard to breath, but Louis didn't care because he was happy.

Harry had just dropped them off from their date and it was peer-fect.

At eight o'clock on the dot, Harry knocked on Louis' door with a rose in his hand. He placed the rose on Louis' bedside table and led Louis out the door through the back.

Neither boy wants any one of the Styles' family members to know of their relationship. They fear that if Anne knew, she'd kick Louis out of the house because she doesn't want her son to be living with the person he's dating. Of course the boys believe she wouldn't do that, but they have to take procotionary messures.

Harry then brought them to the park where he had a picnic set up. The two ate the delicous food Harry made while talking about everything and nothing.

After they were done, they cuddled on the grass while they tried to find constalations in the stars. They also shared the cupcake that Harry made, but it ended up being a fail because they were trying to cut a small cupcake in half with their hands. In the end, the cupcake crumbled and landed on the grass for ants to eat later.

Around ten o'clock, the pair left the park and headed home. And like any cheesy date, Harry held Louis' hand across the dash board.

When they arrived at the Styles' household, they used the front door to enter since they weren't dressed to fancy were they couldn't pull off the 'We were at a friend's house,' lie. And they did.

Harry then walked Louis up to his room and kissed him. On the lips! 

Louis is now proud to say that Harry Styles stole his first kiss. But he isn't so proud to say that he's terrible at kissing, but nobody has to know.

So now, Louis is laying on his bed with the biggest smile on his face as he brought his fingers to his lips where Harry kissed him. Louis then fell asleep with the big grin still plastered on his face.


When the alarm clock went off, Louis didn't groan, instead he shot up with a smile. He was happy and he couldn't control it. For the first time in years, Louis was really happy.

Thus explains why Louis had an extra hop in his step as he went to take a shower and got dressed. While Louis styled his hair in it's usual fringe, he may or may not have whistled because that would have over-exagerated the fact that he was happy. 

When Louis was done, he smiled at his reflection. He was wearing a stripped t-shirt with chinos and suspenders. His converse were covering his sockless feet.

Louis walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen. After greeting Anne and Gemma who were seated at the table, Louis made himself a bowl of cereal before joining the two females at the table.

The three of them talked aimlessly while Louis waited for Harry to come down so he could drive him to school. The mere thought of the lad brought butterflies to Louis' stomach.

A few minutes passed before Harry came trudging down the steps. Louis smiled at Harry who grinned back. 

Harry made a bowl of cereal, like Louis, and sat beside him. The four of them then started to talk amongst themselves.

Once Louis was finished he cleaned out his bowl while he waited for Harry to finish. Harry cleaned out his bowl as well before the two left for school.

"How was the date?" Harry asked once they both were in the car and started to drive.

Louis smiled, "It was perfect. Thank you."

"W-Was I your first kiss?" Harry asked, suddenly nervous.


"Oh my god! I'm so sorry," Harry apologized.

"What are you sorry for?" Louis asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Your first kiss is meant to be special and yours was anything but special."

"It was special," Louis assured, "It wouldn't have been special with anyone else."

"You mean that?" Harry asked Louis who nodded, "Thanks."

"No problem," Louis smiled. Harry smiled back as he reached over and laced their fingers together.

The rest of the drive was spent in a comfortable silence with the soft sound of the music playing in the background.

When they arrived on the school grounds, Harry parked the car as the two lads got out. They grabbed their bags as they walked into the school. 

Much to his disappointment, when Louis tried to grab Harry's hand he flinched away. Louis himself, unknowingly cringed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay," Harry cut him off, "I just don't think it's the best for us to come out. I mean, this is a homophobic school and I don't want you to be bullied again," Harry tried to explain but Louis still looked slightly hurt, "But, in any other surcomstances, I would come out with you in a heartbeat," Harry admitted causing a smile to break out on Louis' face.

"But, can we like... tell Niall, Liam and Zayn?" Louis asked.

"Of course," Harry said before wrapping his arm around Louis' shoulder in a friendly manner and walking them into the school.


"What!?" Niall exclaimed as he beamed at the new couple before him.

"We're like, dating," Harry explained.

"You're boyfriends?" Liam asked.

"We're dating," Louis corrected even though he wished he could call Harry his boyfriend, but that would be moving things too quickly.

"Dating.. Dating.." Niall mumbled, thinking hard, "Dating! Dating!" Niall exclaimed before turning to Liam, smirking, "I won! I won, I won, I won!"

"Shut up. They have to be boyfriends," Liam argued.

"No, you said together. They're together. Actually, they've been together this whole time, I could've won this bet ages ago," Niall stated and Liam rolled his eyes.

"Bet?" Louis asked, ah hint of disgust written on his features.

"Shit," Niall mumbled, "Louis it's not what you think... well actually it is, but-"

"But what?" Louis snapped, "The only reason I'm not a loser is because of a bet? Should I feel grateful or betrayed? Maybe a little of both? I don't know, I'll go think about it," Louis said while glaring at the two lads before getting up and leaving the table.

"Not the best way to go Nialler," Zayn said to Niall.

"Did you know about this?" Harry asked, frowning at Harry.

"Yeah but-"

"Whatever. It is what it is, I guess," Harry mumbled before looking to the doors Louis just left through, "I'm going to go check on him," Harry said before getting up and leaving the cafeteria.


The story is going to move a bit faster now because this is planned to be a three book series and I want to pick up the pace, so the story will move a lot quicker now


-Bri xx

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