Chapter 12

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*Not Edited*

Harry's POV [Finally!?!?!]

I quickly walked out of Louis room and gently closed the door. I can't believe I just kissed his forehead! 

'Way to keep your feelings in check Harry!' My inner voice taunted.

'I tried, but he looked so adorable!'

'But no one's supposed to know that you're bi and likes Louis! Not even Zayn! You know how much hate you'll get!?'

'I don't care anymore! I like Louis a hell lot more then I should and I really want to be with him. I should ask him out.'

'But he'll reject you Harry. Just because all the girls like you, doesn't mean he will. Besides you'll ruin your friendship with him. Take my advice and keep your feelings on a friendly level.' My inner voice warned.

I groaned before going into my room and lying on the bed. I really need to talk to someone about these.. feelings. They're eating me from the inside out. I don't even know why I asked Louis to live with me. Now I'll have to see him in the mornings looking like a sex god and then have to get my self off in the shower. 

What have I done?

I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face before stripping down into my boxers and going to bed. 

'Hopefully the morning will be good.' I thought to myself before letting sleep take over me.


 Louis' POV

"Lou..." A soothing voice said, shaking my shoulder and I groaned rolling over, "Louis.." The voice said chuckling.

"What?" I mumbled, not looking up.

"You have to get up." The voice said and I rolled over to see Harry, who was only in boxers and I gulped, struggling to keep eye contact and not have my eyes drift down.

"I have too?" I whined and Harry smirked.

"Sadly, yes. Now up." Harry said then left. I groaned and got up. I looked around my new room and smiled. I really am grateful to have someone like Harry in my life. 

I walked over to my bag and took out a red and blue stripped shirt along with red chinos. I walked to the bathroom and realized that I don't have a towel. I walked to Harry's door and knocked. He answered straight away with nothing but a towel around his waist, but he wasn't wet.

"Why are you in the towel.. if your.. um.." I trailed off, not so subtly checking him out. I looked up to Harry who was smirking at me and I tried to hide my blush.

"I was getting dressed and I don't think you would've apprieciated seeing me naked." Harry explained.

"You never know," I mumbled.

"What?" Harry asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I need a towel..." I said.

"Do you want...?" Harry asked gesturing to his and I shook my head frantically and Harry started laughing, "I'm kidding," Harry said with a smirk before walking down the hallway and rummiging through a linen closet before finding a towel and handing it to me.

"Thank you." I said, gratefully taking the towel.

"Welcome." Harry said making a funny face at me and I chuckled before going into the bathroom.

After I took my shower I got dressed and went downstairs, mentally preparing myself for a conversation with Gemma or Anne. 

I stopped by the doorway, took a deep breathe and walked through the dooraway, "Morning Anne," I greeted Anne who smiled at him.

"Morning Darling." Anne said taking a sip of her tea.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here, really." I said gratefully.

"No problem love. Do you want breakfast?" Anne asked standing up.

"Do you have cereal? I can make it myself though." Louis said gently pushing her arm so she sat back down.

"It's really no-" Anne started but I shook my head.

"Just tell me where the cereal and I'll be fine, really." I said. Anne sighed and pointed to a cabniet. I smiled and opened the cabinet, picking a cereal and pouring it in a bowl. Once I poured the milk, I sat at the table with Anne and we made small talk. Not long after Harry walked in looking hot, as usual.

"Morning!" Harry chirped kissing his mother's cheek and I just wished he could kiss my cheek, "Mum, can you make me something? Please?" Harry begged and Anne stood up.

"Harry, your seventeen years old and your mum still makes you food?" I asked amused.

"What is that bad?" Harry asked, smirking and crossing his arms on the back of my chair. And that was the sexiest position ever. Well, one of them...

"Kind of. What will happen when you're older and your mum can't cook for you anymore?" I asked raising an eyebrow and taking a spoonful of cereal.

"You'll cook for me." Harry said with a wink.

"Then all your food will be burnt. No matter how hard I try, my food is always burnt...." I said blushing, "And who says I'll cook for you?"

"We both know you will. You love me!" Harry gushed, giving me a side hug. 'More then you think' I thought in my head.

"Get off me, I'm trying to eat." I said shooing him away. Harry pouted but got off me.

"Hey Louis." Gemma said walking into the room smiling at me and I smiled back.

'This isn't so bad' I thought to myself.

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