Chapter 12: Baby time...................

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Then all of a sudden, Tyric got in my way. The bullet landed in the middle of his chest.

"NOOOOO!!" I cried out. He got down on his knees, with his eyes wide open, like he was shocked. I sat down on the ground, and put his head on my lap, crying. His eyes let out tears of pain.

Then Alicia dropped the gun, and ran out of the place crying. But, i was wondering, why was she the one crying? She's the one who shot Tyric.

"Someone call the abulance!!" I cried, and yelled out.

Then DIamond cried, she hurriedly tried to get out her phone, and call the police. She called then hung up. They was gonna be here in a little bit. I put my hand over his chest where the blood was coming from, trying to stop it.

I grabbed his hand. "It's gonna be okay." i said crying, and rocking him.

"Yeah. You gone be just fine. And maybe in a week or two you gone see yo beautiful daughter. Okay."

"Okay." he said, with his voice trembling.

Makayla got up, and sat by me, and him.

"And maybe one day, you could move out your mom house, and move into mine, with me and our daughter, and Makayla, okay." It felt like the police was taking their time trying to come.

He didn't say nothing. I stopped rocking, and looked down. Then i saw his eyes wide opened, staring into space. Makayla put her hands over her mouth and started crying.

I shook my head, and covered my hands over his eye lids, making them close. I cried more, and more. Then the police, and ambulance had came. The abulance helped me up, and my dress was stained with his blood.

They grabbed their bed, thing, and put him in it. Then they got a sheet, and put it over his dead body.

"Noooooooo!!!!!" i screamed out. This just couldn't be happening. Not during my baby shower. I fuckin hate that bitch Alicia!!

Then the police had came to me, and asked me some questions.

"Maam, do you have any idea who convicted the murder?" The police oficer asked.

I shook my head yes. "Yes. It was my old bestfriend Alicia Pittman."

They shook their heads, and left. I thought that they was gonna ask me more questions than that.

I got on the couch, and started crying. I cried so hard, that my nose was starting to bleed. And the only people that was left there, was DIamond, and Makayla, and me.

I fuckin hate my life! Every fucken thing that i get, it's always took from me.

2 Weeks Later:

I layed on my bed, and started to feel what feels like cramps, and when i got out of bed, i saw water all over it.

"Makayla!" I yelled.

She came quick. I pointed to my bed, and she looked with shock expressions.

"Oh my God!! Your water broke, girl!" she said. "Hurry up, and put on some clothes, so we can go to the hospital!" she said.

It was 11:36 at night, and i was in fucken labor! Just great!

So i put on my robe, and slippers, and tied my hair back. Makayla came back in my room with a black hat on, and some nike slippers.

She grabbed the car keys, and i grabbed my phone, and my hospital bag, and pillows, and blankets, and we hurried and left.

My stomach was fucken killing me. We got in the car, and as soon as we got in the car, Makayla drove fast away.

Oh yeah, so Tyric's funeral was a week ago, and i didn't go. I dont know why, but it was just to painful to see his dead body in a casket. My baby's father already dead. Like.... no!

And Alicia had got caught, and arrested, and is sentenced 10 years to life. Honestly that bitch could die now, and i wouldn't give a damn.

So when we got there, Makayla started talking to the women at the front desk, basically telling her what happened, and everything.

The lady shook her head and Diamond came out, and smiled.

"Yess girl, yess!! Finnaly!!" she smiled. She gave  me a hospital room, and gown. I put the gown on and layed down. They hooked me up to all types of wires, and stuff.

Then i started having wayy worser contractions. It felt like someone was constantly hitting me in my stomach real hard.

So, all of a sudden, of course i started getting hungry. So Diamond said, the only thing i could eat was some damn ice chips. So i ate those, and then by the 9th hour being there, she finnaly asked me if i wanted some epidural cause i was in bad pain.

I shook my head yes, and they put a needle in my back. It didn't really hurt as bad as i thought it was.

Finnaly the 19th hour, Diamond came in and checked me, and noticed that i was, 10 centimeters dialated. So she said it was time for me to push.

I did 5 rounds of pushing, untill i felt my babygirl slide out of me.

"Good job." Diamond said, holding the baby.

Makayla cut the abilacal cord, and they took my baby and washed it. The nurses had put my legs down, and i was sweating real bad, and exhausted.

"Damn girl, i know you tired." Makayla said.I shook my head slowly, trying to catch my breath. "Girl, hell yeah.That shit took some work."

Then the nurse had brought over my baby. She was wrapped up in a small blanket. I started crying.

"She is so beautiful. She looks like me, and Tyric." She had both of our eyes. Blue, and green, and she was both of our skin color, yellow boned. I kissed her on her cheek softly, and gently.

Makayla looked at my baby. "Awwww, can i hold her?" Makayla asked.

I gave my baby to Makayla, and Makayla smiled. "Oh, my God, she is so pretty. And she does look just like you and Tyric. With her big ol' cute eyes.." I laughed.

"Look, can you be the auntie?" I asked Makayla.

Makayla smiled big, shaking her head yes. She started crying tears of joy. I mean, Makayla been holding it down ever since i was first pregnant, soooo why not. I really love this girl like a sister anyways.

"Yes... yes..." she said. She kissed me on the cheek, and looked at my baby. "Guess, what? I'm your auntie." She smiled.

I laughed. She gave me back my baby. My baby was, 2.8 kg, and 7 pounds.

I had this name stuck in my head ever since if ound out that she was a girl. My baby's name is gonna be Shaniah Marie Grayce Robinson.

"I'm naming her Shaniah Marie Grayce Robinson." I said to Makayla.

Makayla smiled. "Ohhh, i love that name!" She said cheerfully.

I smiled. "Me too."


Thanx for watching!! give me stars.....

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