Drunk Texts Preferences

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A/n: so I know Steve and Bucky can't get drunk but for this and my imagination, they can


(T= Tony Y=You)

T: Hhhhhhhhhheeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyy seeeeeeexxxxzxxxxxxxyyy

Y: Tony? Are you ok????

T: I wiLl bE onCe yOur h3rE with me <<<<£33333333

Y: Tony.... You're drunk

T: I d0nt carre I wnt u in me bed

Y: Tony 0//////////0 Just drink some water babe

T: Noo000oooooooo000ooo I wanA b wit U

Y: Tony please drink some water and go to bed

T: Fiiine I wiLl......... On 1 c0nditIon.....

Y: And that condition is?

T: Gt iN me bed and be pr3paRed

Y: Ummmmm..... Tony I'm not going to take advantage of you like that

T: AwWwwwWw baB3 u wNt b takIng advanTage oF m3

Y: Tony still I wouldn't feel right

T: Either u d0 tht or I'm gona go b A dRunk anoying bstrd to ev3ryne in tHe toweR

Y: Fine Tony.........


Y: Oh Jesus...... What have I done............?


(S= Steve Y= You)

S: H3i (Y/n)

Y: Hun?!?!?! Are you ok?????

S: Im fiN3

Y: Steve......... Are you drunk?

S: I dNt kn0w, bUt I thINk I mIGht b

Y: Steve drink some water

S: BUt whHhhhhIYYyyyYYyyyyyyyy

Y: Steve please it will make you sober again

S: BUt iTs fUUn

Y: Steve drink some water before I come over there and drown you with a glass of water

S: Fit3 m3h

Y: Steven Grant Rogers don't test me

S: TrY m3H

Y: That's it!!!!!! I will force you to drink water if it kills me!

Clint (my babes <3):

(C= Clint Y= You)

C: H3y KitT3N

Y: Sweet Lord Clint are you drunk again?

C: Maaaaaaaayyyyyybbbbb333333

Y: Oh Jesus save us.......

C: C0m3 h3re KitT3N....... I wana hAv fuN wit U

Y: Clint as much as I would love that you are drunk and I'm not doing anything until your sober

C: C0m3 oooOOooo0ooooooonnnN KitT3N Juzt a litTle fuN

Y: Clint please-- *Hears the door open and turns around*

(IRL Convo & everything Clint says has a drunken slur to it)

Y: Clint?

C: Hey Kitten *He moves towards you and then pins you down to the bed*

Y: *blushes* Ummmmmm C-Clint.......

C: Tonight is gonna be fun ;)


(B= Bucky Y= You)

B: H3y bBy d0ll

Y: James, what's up?

B: D0ll I ne3d u n0w

Y: James...? Are you drunk....?

B: Juzt a litTl3

Y: Oh God, James drink some water

B: BuT D0ll I ne3d u n0W

Y: Please James it will do you good

B: C0m3 0n bBy dnt u l0ve m3h?

Y: I do love you James but please get some water

B: FiiiiN3


(T= Thor Y= You)

T: AN0TH3R!!

Y: Another what?

T: DR1NK!!

Y: Of?


Y: Ummm when did you try that?


Y: Sweet Lord heaven above......


(P= Pietro Y= You)

P: H3y priNces$

Y: Ummm Pietro are you drunk?

P: I dnt knw 0r carre r1ghT n0W I juzt wnt u

Y: Jesus bless my soul

P: C0m3 h3re I ne3d t0 hav3 u by m3h sid3

Y: I will Pietro on 1 condition

P: Nam3 1t

Y: When I get there you will drink some water and I'll monitor how many more drinks you have

P: Fii1iiiN3


(L= Loki Y= You)

L: H3ll0 l0v3

Y: Loki are you drunk???

L: Tht c0uLd b poS$ibLe

Y: Drink some water hun

L: S3e thts 1 0f tH3 mny t1ng$ I l0v3 ab0ut u


Hiya Guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all in the next. Happy reading!!!

~Mrs. Barton <3


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