Vampire-napped Chapter 18~~~ And so the Nightmare begins again

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Nothing is like the tantalizing call of torment brought on by what you choose.

Thank you those avid readers who have stuck to this, and those of the newer sort I welcome you to the torture.

I truly appreciate all of your supporting comments.

Let us begin, shall we?

~~A Nightmare truly never ends ~~

~*And so the Nightmare begins again*~

The next morning found Rebecca walking swiftly down a deserted street; hands shoved in her deep pockets and eyes scanning her surroundings under the fedora she had whimsically put on before she’d left the apartment. She didn’t see anyone hanging around but you could never be to sure.

Indulging in a bit of sight seeing, Rebecca turned her attention to the sky for a few moment. Clouds crowded the sky with their gloomy masses. Not that she minded. No. A small smile twitched at the edges of her lips. She loved the rain. It had been the thing she had missed most when she had been…otherwise incapable of seeing the outside world. Her jaw flexed but with the ease of a person used to blocking out memories she swept it back under the haggard crevice of her mind in which it had risen from.

A small antiques shop came into view and Rebecca smoothly took the stairs in a few short bounding strides. Entering, she took in the familiar smell with a deep breath and grinned. This was the only place in the entire city that made her feel a pinch of happiness of the true kind. “Mae?” she called out. Her eyes peered over a shelf to find the desk unusually empty. Her senses flared and she swiftly headed to the counter, boots heard firmly on the floor. She didn’t like when things went different. Different was how the old Rebecca had ended up There. The girl moved with a predatory grace, barely wincing as pain throbbed at her temples. “Mae?” she repeated, this time in a hard yet silky voice.

There was a rather loud sound and pieces on one of the back ceiling high shelves rattled, sending Rebecca into a whirl of movement, her form spinning to face the sound and her hand concealed at her side with a small pocket knife palmed. “Oh you silly girl!” a sweet voice worn and roughened by age exclaimed. The familiar tone had her relaxing and sliding the knife away.

Out of the maze of shelves and antiques tottered a robust old lady with a kind sparkle in her eyes and a sarcastic quirk to her lips. Her old hand came up and she pointed a knobby finger at the dark haired beauty. “I told you last time that you shouldn’t be back here!”

Chuckling, Rebecca leaned against the marble counter and eyed the woman with mischievously slitted eyes. “ And you told me that the time before that. And the time before that.” She tilted her head to the side, “I believe you’ve been saying that for quite a while.”

“Yes. I did indeed.” A scowl formed on the elderly face as she stopped in front of the reclining youth. Anyone else would’ve feared a good caning with that shiny wood stick she had at her side but Rebecca saw passed the front. Saw the amusement in her gaze and the humor in her voice. That’s what she liked about Mae, she always was in a happy mood. It sort of balanced the two in that quirky way. “You, young lady” MAe stated in a serious tone. “Should not be wasting your talents twiddling your thumbs  at an old maids side like mine. Collecting dust along with the other gems,” she waved her gnarled hand at the more flashy pieces she had acquired through the years.”

Feigning innocence at what she was talking about blue eyes flicked to the old woman. “What are you talking about, Grand Mae?” she asked, using the nickname she’d come up with for her. “You know I don’t have any talents.  I did not finish school. Most would not take me.”

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