Vampire napped~~~Chapter Eight~~~ Thirst

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hey guys im soo sorry for keeping you waiting--- special sorry going out to red_head93 cause i got your hopes up and shattered them!!! yeah sooo just don't hate me and i'll promise to be better!!!! Pwease?

okay here's the bad part this one stops really cliffy like UBER cliffy and since im saying it does it REALLY does.....the GOOD news? i have the next chapter ready to go sooo the faster you comment the faster i put it up------here's a challenge lets make sure i put it up by tomorrow okay? 25 comments and 30 votes?

Yeppers im meany but its REALLY REALLY good


let the torture begin....



"H-hold on here!" I stammered, holding up a hand and slowly squirming away towards my safety headboard. "C-can't we like talk about this or something? Person to person?---err-- human to vampire?"

It was like he was possessed, his eyes were burning with lust and his lips were drawn back to expose fangs that glinted at me, though to my surprise they didn't make me feel afraid. They made me feel...different. I shivered and tried not to think about it.

He crept up onto the comforter, a predator clothed in human skin, graceful, lethal. My entire body shook and I bit my lip. Ohgodohgodohgodohgod!! I was hyperventilating, I could tell by the way the world was tilting back and forth- or maybe that was due to how hard my heart was pumping? I didn't know. Didn't care. This was all just to much for me and my poor battered mind. Being kidnapped wasn't enough? Not even by vampires? And then the whole sucking blood thing? And abusive asshole? THAT WASN'T ENOUGH?

Apparently not, because the next second I was pinned beneath his body, lips being plundered by a merciless tongue. I let out a protesting screech; one handedly trying to push him away, though I knew it wouldn't help in some part of my brain. But the part of me in control was screaming at me to get him off me. NOW. Was it working? Hell no, but it at least gave me something to do.

One of his hands easily captured my free one and pinned it above my head, leaving me helpless as his other one roamed down the side of my body to grip my butt. My heart was beating fast, too fast. Faster than ever before. And I couldn't control it, couldn't stop it, couldn't even identify what was making it beat so fast. My breath was coming in raspy pants as I unconsciously arched up against him while my body was tossed into a whirlwind of feelings. What was this? My mind buzzed as I tried to sort through everything. Why did I feel a tightness in my chest, every time his teeth grazed over my lip? What was my body aching for- searching for- as it squirmed and twisted?

His mouth tried to pry mine open and I turned my face away, having trouble breathing, finding every inhalation a fight. Damien s mouth skimmed over my chin, over to my ear. I felt a wet tongue flick inside and sucked in a shocked breath, eyes wide and frightened but blood catching fire until I was a living breathing flame.

What was this feeling? I've never felt like this. I felt alive... but I was surely condemned within this demons arms... I felt yearning... yet for some reason I knew it wasn't only for my freedom. Was this the effect of a vampires bite? Or perhaps just the captivity finally getting to my head? I felt wild, untamed, out of control, though each movement my body executed was decided by me, there was no doubt of that.


He nuzzled his way under my chin then scraped a tooth across tender skin. I cried out, entire body jerking with me as I omitted the sound. Just as suddenly he was suddenly back to my mouth, sweeping in and licking at the roof of my mouth. That gesture alone made me shudder again. What was happening? I wasn't experienced in this sort of thing! I didn't date! I didn't kiss! So who was this being that seemed to have intertwined with my essence who was sensuality personified? As a last of defense I pushed back his tongue with my own, tears gathering for some unknown reason at the corners of my lashes as I squeezed my eyes shut as I fought an oral battle for control over my mouth.

Out! Out! I needed the stupid man out! I couldn't take all this-this maniacal extremity!

To my surprise his tongue finally let me push it away, out of my mouth and back into his, but before I could take my own back his tongue wrapped around mine and he sucked hard. Weird feelings coursed through me and I let out a moan, unsure whether it was from the feelings themselves or the effort it was taking to get rid of him.


Though I had thought that if I took back my mouth I would gain more control of the situation it seemed he was still in fool command. Nails raked up the outside of my thigh as he sucked again and I arched up in his arms, helpless to everything yet still unable to give into fates cruel decision.


Why was this happening?

Why was I reacting this way?

My body was an alien flame as it smoldered with every simple touch and caress. I was a slave to sensation and he was molding me with every unneeded breath he took. Some part of me knew I was going to end up in tears, broken and tossed away in the end, but the other part was in control so my inner anguish was expressed only in a few crystal tears streaming from my closed eyes and with this anguish came an aggression I didn't know I possessed. Somewhere I had pent up years of bitterness and locked them away from the rest of me in order to keep living. And so I loosed it all on my captor. All the fury. All the silent screams that echoed eternally in my soul. I poured it all into the kiss, not caring what he felt, not caring if it wasn't pleasurable for him, all I knew was that it made me feel good so I was going to do it.

I surged up in a fluid movement, a wash of muscles pressing up against him to free my tongue from him then biting his lip and pulling it down towards me as I curled my hands into fists. My wild side was clamoring to get out, to be free and to be able to use violence to get every thing out.

Damien answered it violence for violence.

mmmm mmm mmm!!!! yep doesn't that leave you thirsty for more? If you want to quench that thirst help out and comment and/or vote------ i need 25 comments and 30 votes

lets say that again


30 votes


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