Wheeljack x reader

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A request from @Jazjo33, hope you enjoy!


Where to start? Before I moved? Nah, after I moved?....definitely not.........OH, I know! When I met that dolphined eared guy, my soulmate.

Your POV

I stand in the kids area, typing on my phone, writing an update which I'll send out later because there's no signal...grrr. Anyways, I had just come back from a ride with Bee and Raf, getting updates on the whole story of how there was an impersonator of the new guy, Wheeljack and how the real him beat the fake him, most likely killing him by the fact he activated the imposters bomb.

Anyway, I am multitasking as I listen and type, fast fingers with my head bowed so I can see what I'm typing while I respond with questions or concerns. Hearing the new voice doesn't faze me or make me look up, but I love the sound of his voice. Kinda rough and low, teasing almost and sounded like he has had his journeys of space.

Miko gets excited and starts questioning him like she did me at first, though hers are more curious that questionable. Bulk starts chuckling before giving out names, calling out everyone before saying our names, by our I mean the humans.

"That's the tiny genius, Raf, the second oldest, Jack, our own tiny wrecker, Miko and our oldest, though smartest out of them, though she can be a rebel, (Y\N)."

Hearing my name I look up, (e\c) eyes meeting electric blue optics of a roughed up, good looking mech. Both of us just take in each others looks, me noticing his rough guy stance and the swords on his back, scars scattered on his derma, though quite fitting for the 'bad boy' look. I smirk slightly, speaking in a slight teasing but calm voice.

"As Bulk over there said, the names (Y\N), or (N\N). I'm smart but I like to let lose and be a rebel. So your the Wheeljack I keep hearing about from his stories, must admit better looking than what I was told"

Bulk and Miko chuckle softly, Jack gaping slightly as Ratchet just scoffs, though no surprise for the grumpy old aft he is.

Wheeljack's chuckle sends a light shiver down my spine, it's deep and humerious. His voice still smooth and rough, quite frankly it's lovely, wishing I could listen to it everyday, "Well hello to you to little femme. I like your choice and think we'll definitely get along"

Smirking only wider as I realize that those are the exact words written on my wrist, "Oh I'm sure we will...soulmate"



"Did Ratchet just faint?"


*snickers* Lol, sorry. I had to!

Hope you enjoyed it my cyberkittens!

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