TFP Optimus x Predacon reader

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Requested by @EcliipseRising

Hope its good, had to think hard about it. PS: I have to explain that this is a primal connection through soulmates, not the usual slight physical or mental connection, so its based of a feeling. Enjoy my cyberkittens!

Your POV:

I relax by a lake and vent happily, for peace nowadays is very hard to come across, so I take it as much as I can. My metal armour glistening in the fading light as I get to head for my cave in order to get to higher ground away from any stray humans. Upon starting my travel back up I could hear a faint humming getting closer. humans dont drive out here

Curious I head for the sound but stay hidden among the trees easily because of my colors and slim build for quick movements. I stop when I spot a vehicle and gaze at its shiny paint.


Suddenly it shifts and its a Autobot. Not understanding why they are here I continue to watch to quench my curiousity.


'Where are they? I remember seeing a predacon by the lake but now I've lost track of them...I need to know if its a danger to my team or not.'

A quick but careful glance at my surroundings lets me spot a very dark shadow among a group of trees and I slowly walk towards it, ready to attack if needed.

Your POV:

I flinch slightly as they get closer to my hiding spot, optics not once leaving their approaching frame. Slowly but cautiously they come closer and I look into their optics only to find the most beautiful shade of blue I had ever seen and something clicks.



I turn around a thick tree and glance into their optics and freeze, a strange feeling washes over me and only one thing goes through my helm,


*time skip of one and a half years. Optimus has gone missing and his signal has gone offline for unknown reasons. Megatron still wanting to kill him by his own servos creates a temporary peace treaty with the autobots to find the missing prime. Upon finding clues on his wereabouts being in the canadian forest, they head out to do a wide search and upon Bumblebee finding his prints in the dirt, he calls the team before all follow it to a looming cave in the mountian side.*

Bees POV:

I am excited yet nervious to finally see what happened to Optimus, I really miss him. Everyone does and nothing has been the same without him, the only good thing that came of this is the peace treaty and I still dont trust it.

Upon finding a cave opening we slowly approach and Arcee calls out,

"Optimus!? Optimus are you in there!?"

They go silent as we eagerly wait for something to happenthough we didnt expect what happened next. Optimus came running out with his sword drawn and shouting at us, things like "Leave! Ill kill you! Stay away!" and other not so...nice things. We scattered and tried desperatly to figure out what was wrong with him and why he kept growling at us if we got to close to the cave entrance.

":Guys! Lets take a step back and ask himI dont think running around and scattering is making him feel safe!...for whatever reason that is:"

The team seems to hesitate but I nod as reasuringly as I possibly can and slowly we huddle together in front him but a good distance away as to make him feel safe.

He seems to calm a little, no longer swinging the sword around but still up in defence. His optics trained on us in a way that sends shivers down my spinal strut, no longer calm but actually animalistic. 'what had made you so, Optimus?'

A small squeak behind him makes him twitch slighty and causes our curiousity to spike up higher. All of us look over his shoulder or around his sides to see something unexpected

A slim predacon with two sparklings are staring at us through the shadows of the cave, the predacon being (F/C) and the sparklings being a mix of them and Optimus colors. Optimus takes a step back to only glance at them with a calm look and it clicks, 'optimus has found his mate...frag.'

Hope you enjoyed it! I didnt really know how to go about this story so I hope it is alright. If you want a part 2, I ask that you give me an idea as I cant come up with one

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