Chapter 5

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It's been two weeks since the incident and honestly since I can't fight I'm bored on Friday nights. My friends still hang out at my house for the weekends still and so do Liam, Mark and Paul along with Layland's friends. Liam and I have grown much closer these last two weeks which I couldn't be happier, so that is one upside to busting my hand and wrist.

"So, Julian, are you currently dating anyone? I haven't seen you with anyone except the three of us and Louis and Hunter," Mark asks wagging his eyebrows at me playfully.

I feel the blush creeping up my neck to my face. "Nope, I'm a single pringle. I haven't had a boyfriend since we moved here. I had one for a few years in Athens but we parted on good terms, he and I still talk."

"Oh, well that's to bad, you seem like a wonderful man who shouldn't be single," Paul says giving Liam a pointed look. I wonder why since I don't believe Liam is bisexual or gay.

Shrugging at him I tell him, "Haven't found anyone here that I'm interested that's either gay or bisexual."

Paul and Mark turning to look at Liam intently. Alright I have to ask now, "Okay, Liam I have to ask you this, are you by chance gay or bi?"

Liam's face turns a light shade of pretty pink. "Yes, I'm bisexual but I haven't date a guy in a few years. Haven't found one that's struck my fancy until recently."

"Really, who might that be?" I ask totally oblivious to who he was talking about.

Hunter and Louis both hit me on my shoulders at the same time. "Duh, I think he's talking about you, you dumbass." Louis turns to Liam asking, "You're talking about Jules, right?" This causes Liam and I both to turn darker red.

Liam nods, "Yes, I mean you, Julian. I've liked you since the first day I saw you in the hallways last year."

My mouth hangs open until Hunter reaches over closing it gently. "Close your mouth, Jules."

Flipping him off quickly before I turn my attentiion back to Liam raising an eyebrow, "That's awesome, I've liked you for the longest time as well." I flush red again that I feel like my face is going to be permanently red at this rate. "I'd like to date you and be your boyfriend if you would like to try?" Oh, shit, that's not romantic or anything at all, I just asked him that in front of our friends. No tact at all, Jules, good job.

Looking down from embarrassment, I know I screwed up and he is going to say 'no' because of how I asked. Chalk one up for my rambeling mouth. I mentally prepared myself as much as I can that he's going to be embarressed himself and tell me as much.

"I would love too, Julian," he says with so much confidence that it causes me to snap my head up to look at him, not believing that I heard him correctly. "Yes, I said I would love too."

Glancing around me I finally realize that everyone else that was in the room with us was no longer in the room with us. I'm out of my seat in a flash and launching myslef into Liam's hold, who chuckels softly as he lifts my chin with his fingers as he brings his head to kiss my lips softly with his own softer lips.

Several way too short minutes later, someone clears their throat from behind us causing Liam and I pull our lips from each other but we stay wrapped in each other's arms to see everyone else giving us thier stupid grins.

"Dinner is here if you two are still hungry after eating each other's faces off," Louis snickered before they left to go back into the kitchen. Damn, I must have really been into that kiss since I didn't hear the doorbell ring.

Six more weeks have come and gone and currently dad and I are sitting in the doctor's office to have my cast removed, finally. Dad still won't let me fight until next week or the week after to make sure I don't redamage my hand and wrist. Sigh. On a positivie note, things are going great beteween Liam and myself. We've gone on several dates already and everyone has been perfect because I was with him. I've learned quite a bit about him and him me.

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