Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Works for me," I pipe up. More than works for me, I add mentally after I eye up Seth.

Dylan nods his head in acknowledgement, "Alright man, see you later." They do that weird guy handshake/hug thing and Seth bounds up the stairs after me. I follow him out to his dark gray car and instantly hop in the passenger seat. He rounds the front and settles into his smoothly.

The smell of his cologne is subtle and somewhat enticing. But honestly, I'm too tired to really appreciate how fortunate my situation is. I mean I'm in a car with a puppy and a hot guy. Jax is asleep on my lap and I pat his back and yawn and lean my head against my palm.

The drive from my house to Dylan's is mostly outside of town, and the roads are enclosed by thick forested areas. It's pitch black -- so dark that I can hardly see the outline of the trees passing by. The stars seem unusually bright. I try to find the big dipper but give up after a minute or so. Maybe I should've paid a bit more attention in astronomy last year.

"So are you and Dylan friends?" Seth interrupts my thoughts. 

I snort and move my attention from the window, "Does it look like we're friends?"

He chuckles. His unruly dark hair tumbles a bit onto his forehead and I stare maybe a bit too long.

"We have some research project, that's it."

"That's good news for me, I guess." His deep voice resonates through the car and he winks at me. My heart flutters and I just smile sweetly.


Somehow I always wake up early on Sundays. It's just something I've done my entire life, and habits are hard to break.

Sometimes I wish I could -- you know, break this particular habit. Some Sundays it feels like a chore. But then I remember it's for my dad. If he's not here to tell me to get my lazy ass up and surf, then I guess I have to.

I drive over to my favorite beach and haul the board off the top of my Jeep. I've kept this ivy and pale green patterned board far longer than I should have. It's survived through some wear and tear, but rides a tad unbalanced now. I wax it up by the shore and ride out.

This is one of the most peaceful places on Earth. I can't hear the hustle and bustle, or stress about school, or even worry about where the hell my mom is right now. The ocean is soothing, in more ways than one.

I lay back on my board, and my hair splays all around my head. It's way early, 5:00 am to be exact. Earlier than I usually come. This is a fairly common beach among surfers, but right now I'm the only one. The sun is peeking up from the horizon, and it gives the water a faint but warm glow. 

I decide to head in when several other surfers show up and the sun has made its way well into the sky. After loading up, I sit in my car and grab my phone. I tap the home button and scan over my notifications. Two in particular catch my eye.

Unknown Number: Hey Kennedy :)

Unknown Number: What's hangin hot stuff?

I giggle and then slap my hand over my mouth. Half in surprise at my reaction and half for being so freaking girly. It must be Seth, since I agreed to give him my phone number.

K: Hey Seth.

I toss my phone into the passenger seat and slip the key into the ignition. I'm about to back out when my phone goes off. My eyes widen and I reach over for my phone.

S: Not happy to hear from me? :( What are you doing today?

K: Not much. Going to finish up some homework and clean the house probs. You?

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