chapter 2 - Brave New World

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From 1.01 "Pilot", night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Caroline: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 1.01 "Pilot", outside the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan Salvatore stood on the roof.

Stefan: (voice over from 1.01 Pilot) "For over a century, I have lived in secret, until now. I know the risk, but I had no choice."

From 1.04 "Family Ties", in Alex/Elena's room, Stefan and Elena Gilbert sat on her bed, kissing.

Stefan: (voice over from 1.01 Pilot) "I have to know her."

From 1.21 "Isobel", in Isobel's House, John was lying on the floor in pain, groaning, a scratch on his forehead from being beat down.

Liv sat in a chair next to him. "Okay, if vampires exist, where the hell are they?"

From 1.22 "Founder's Day", in Grayson's office, Kaylin walked toward John.

John activated the device.

Kaylin was suddenly in pain, holding her head, falling to her knees, screaming.

From 1.22 "Founder's Day", in Town Square, Stefan was suddenly in pain, grabbing his head, falling to his knees.

Elena turned to him.

From 1.22 "Founder's Day", outside the Mystic Grill, Damon was suddenly in pain, grabbing his head, falling to his knees, screaming.

Alex turned to face him.

From 1.22 "Founder's Day", in the Grill's bathroom, Anna and Jeremy were in the bathroom.

Anna was suddenly in pain, grabbing her head, screaming.

From 1.22 "Founder's Day", in Town Square, Cristian was suddenly in pain, grabbing his head, falling to his knees, groaning and screaming.

Liv turned to face him.

From 1.22 "Founder's Day", in the Town Square, Nicola was pushing her way toward the others, hearing the voices around her, stopping, looking toward the noise.

"Is that the Mayor?" a man in the crowd asked.

The Deputy rolled the man over to reveal Richard.

Richard was unconscious, blood dripping out of his ear.

Nicola realized that Richard had been effected by the device, but was confused by why.

From 1.22 "Founder's Day", in Richard's car, Tyler was driving. Caroline was sitting next to him. Matt Donovan sat behind Tyler. Eliza sat behind Caroline. Kacie sat between Matt and Eliza.

"That noise," Tyler told them.

"Wait," Matt told them. "What noise?"

Kacie screamed, holding her head.

Tyler groaned a scream, losing control of the car.

"Kacie?" Eliza asked worriedly.

"Tyler!" Caroline told him.

The car crashed into a building head-on with Caroline and Eliza's side taking the brunt of the impact.  

From 1.22 "Founder's Day", on the road, Tyler and Kacie were lying on the pavement, unconscious.

Two EMTs were helping them.

They opened one of their eyes.

Tyler and Kacie's eyes were amber-gold before they faded back to their normal brown.

Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now