19. False Accusations

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Accardo Leondrí's POV

"Sick?" Tony asks as we drive through the city.

"Yes." I simply respond.

"What kind of sick?" Tony inquires further.

"Sore throat – she threw up this morning at breakfast after claiming she had a burning sensation in her throat. Scarlett also mentioned that she had an aching stomach the other day." I explain to my man.

"Hm. Probably the stress of emotions building up I guess." Tony suggests, and I nod.

"She's getting looked after by everyone back at home, so all will be well. What time does tonight's event start?" I question, checking the date on my phone.

"20:45, Sir." He replies, and I hum in acknowledgement.

"What did you do with Lizbeth?" I query as the car pulls up outside my new hotel.

"Taught her a lesson here and there and then left her sobbing on the floor." Tony explains, smirking and I can't help but return the menacing look.

"Good Afternoon, Sir Carter, Sir Leondrí." My doormen greet.

"Kieran. Callum." I respond, Tony doing the same.

This building is the one I bought from Anna's father. The reason I met Anna.

"I want the casino to be turquoise." I suddenly blurt out as Tony and I tour the building as it's all been prepared for redecoration.

"Why's that, sir?" Tony questions.

"It's her favourite colour." I confess, and I see Tony smile and let out a breath of a chuckle.

"I think she should design the whole thing." My right-hand man admits, and I look at him, surprised.

"What?" I question, to make sure I definitely understood correctly.

"It'd mean a lot to you if she did." He admits, and I gaze around the soon-to-be casino.

"Yes." I agree.

"Sir." A new voice interrupts and I turn to see Todd approaching.

"Arnett." I greet, and we shake hands.

"Any plans yet?" My driver asks, gesturing to the building.

"Not yet." I admit, and he nods.

"Your meeting with Mr Poquintô is in 15 minutes, sir. Would you like to set off?" Todd asks, and I nod.

"I want to know what his role in this little game is." I state, and I see Tony smirk.

"Yes, sir." Todd agrees, and we head off to the car.

-- Time Skip --

Anna Kieant's POV

"Here you are, Miss. This is the remedy I was telling you about earlier – it should soothe your throat and settle your stomach acid, relieving some pain." Scarlett explains as she hands me a cup of lavender-smelling liquid.

"Thank you, Scarlett." I groan as I drink.

"Would you like to try some soup, Miss?" She asks me, and I manage to nod.

"That'd be nice." I respond, smiling, which she returns.

As Scarlett leaves the room to prepare me some soup, I can't help but feel the horrendous ache in my stomach once more. I clench my eyes shut as tears slide down my cheeks. What is wrong with me...

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