Chapter 2: Angel Can Finally See Jack

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"J-Jack, is that you?" Angel asked.

"Yes, Angel, it's me," Jack said, but Angel didn't hear him. Angel sighed, and closed her eyes.

"I believe in Jackson Overland Frost," Angel whispered as another tear fell from her eye. Jack quickly wiped the tear away.

"Beautiful girls shouldn't be crying." Angel opened her eyes only to be faced with beautiful blue eyes that seem to mirror her own.

"J-Jack?" Angel stuttered with wide eyes.

"A-Angel? Can you see me now?" Jack asked. Angel just smiled and hugged him as tight as she could.

I can finally see Jack!

Jack smiled and hugged her back.

She can finally see me! They pull away from the hug.

"Hi," Angel smiled. Jack laughed.

"Hey." While still looking into Jack's eyes, Angel carefully grabbed some snow and made a snowball. Then, she threw it at Jack's face.

"Oh, you're gonna get it now, Angel," Jack playfully threatened. He flew away from Angel and got a snowball ready.

"NO!" Angel screamed, laughing. Then, ran away. Jack threw the snowball at her, but she ducked. "Ha! Ya missed!" Angel laughed. She picked up a snowball and threw it at him. He quickly dodged the snowball. Then, Angel looked at her watch. "Holy crap, Jack! I need to get home!" Angel exclaimed.

"Here, I'll take you home, Snowflake," Jack said, flying over to Angel.

"Hold on tight." As Angel wrapped her arms around Jack's waist, they both felt something. Then, Jack flew Angel's house. As he flew to Angel's house, Angel noticed how beautiful Jack looked. Jack finally got to Angel's house. Jack opens Angel's window, and gently put her down on the floor, careful not to hurt her.

"Will you come back tomorrow?" Angel asked hopefully.

"Yes, I promise, Snowflake," Jack smiled. They hugged one more time then Jack left.

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