Chapter 4: Winter Frost

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"Where is that crazy boy?" North asked himself, "he should've been here hours ago," North complained.

"He's gonna be here," Tooth assured.

"Still, he needs to be here. Man in Moon is choosing new Guardian." Then, Jack flew in.

"Finaly! You are here," North said, clapping his gigantic hands together.

"What? What's going on?" Jack asked.

"Man in Moon is choosing new Guardian." Jack leaned against his staff.

"Why?" North only shrugged. Then, the crystal, from North's workshop, rose out of the wooden floor. "Wonder who it is," Jack said, "Hopefully it's a girl," he mumbled so Tooth, North, Sandy, and Bunnymund wouldn't hear him. North only shrugged it off. Then, a girl, well, Jack got his wish, with a hoodie, very short shorts, and a staff was in front of the five Guardians. Everyone looked at Jack. "What?" Jack asked.

"She reminds me of you," Bunnymund pointed out.

"So, wait. The new guardian's going to be-never mind," Jack said, then walked to his room. Jack sat on the window seat, looking out of the window with a sigh. Then, he felt like something bad was about to happen-to Angel, so he flew to Angel's house. Jason saw Jack.

"JACK!" Jason yelled with tears trickling down his face. Jack smiled.

"JASON!" he yelled. Then, looked at Jason's tearful face. Jack picked him up as Jason hugged him, crying. Jack rubbed the small child's back, trying to calm him down.

"What's wrong, Jay?" Jack asked worried. Jason picked his head up and looked at Jack.

"A-Angel." Jack bit his lip.

"W-What happened t-to Angel?" he asked, worried.

"She's-She's d-dead," Jason stuttered then put his head back in the crook of Jack's neck, crying even more.

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