Chapter 2

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I've decided to keep this going. Thanks for reading!

Shawn's POV

I took Jules to my motorcycle and said. "Wanna ride this?" "yeah, it's been a while." "Yes it has." I said. She smiled. I put on her helmet and helped her fasten it, then mine. I got on the motorcycle and started it. I took it off the kickstand and she got on. "You ready?" I asked. "Yeah." "hold on tight." I said. She held onto me and I asked. "Fast or slow?" "fast." she said like a little kid. I chuckled. "Got it." I said and went fast and went to our house. She got off and I drove up the driveway and parked and everything are handed me the helmet and I took mine off and put it in the compartment, she kissed me and I smiled. "I think max would like to be on the motorcycle sometime." she said. "Yeah." I said. "I'll call Gus, maybe he can stay over for a bit?" "Yeah that sounds cool." "great" she said getting out her phone. She called Gus and came back. "He said that he can come over in an hour." "cool. I can show him stuff." "What stuff?" "secret, kidding I don't know, he talked a little of his crush last time, of course I was a little down but put on a facade for him. he probably saw right through it to my weak, pathetic self." I said feeling a little sorry for past Shawn. "Hey your not pathetic or weak. Your shawn, my Shawn." She said. I smiled. "Wanna watch tv?" I asked. "Sure." She said. We put on Netflix and started chuck. It was the 3rd season. "Yay chuck!" she said I brought candy and sat down next to her. I kissed her and stared the episode. Chuck vs. the other guy. We cuddled when chuck shot shaw. "Good I didn't like him." I said. We got to there part where they got together. "Yes!" I said and high-five her. There was a knock at the door. "Jules we should get that." I said staring in her blue eyes. "Yeah. Just shut up and kiss me." she said smiling. I kissed her and got up. I answered the door. "Hey Shawn." Max said hugging me. "Hey little man." I said laughing. "Thanks for taking him." "happy to. you and Rachel deserve a vacation, com'on son!" I said. He fist bumped me. "Bye! Max be good." "can't make any promises, just kidding I will." He said. I laughed and looked at Jules. We closed the door. "Hey kid we were just watching chuck." "Awesome." He said like Captain Awesome. I laughed. We watched chuck for an hour and then ate dinner. "Hey babe I gotta go get my stuff. And max's he forgot." I said to Jules. "Ok be careful." "Promise. Max wanna come with? I'm planning on taking my motorcycle." I said. "What? you have a motorcycle?!" he said excited. "Yeah I do." "Awesome! yeah I wanna go." he said. I kissed Jules and gave him a helmet, helped him put it on and went to my motorcycle. I put on my helmet, helped max get up and I got on and asked him. "Slow or fast?" "fast!" he said. "You got it kid." I said smiling and went fast on the highway and got some of my clothes, and we went to his house be got some for him. After we went to the grocery store. "Uncle Shawn why are we here?" he asked. "I want to get something for Jules. You can help, and we maybe can get ice cream." "Awesome." we went to the flowers and got roses for Jules and then went to the ice cream section and got some pineapple sherbet and some cookies and cream. We paid for the stuff and went home. "Jules we are home." I announced as we stepped into the entrance of the house. "Yay I missed you." "We missed you too." I said and pecked her cheek. "What's this?" i looked down. "Oh i helped max with some stuff and got some of mine and we went to the grocery store and got you this." I said and handed her flowers. "Thanks guys that was sweet." she said smiling. "Also we got ice cream. Pineapple and cookies and cream." max said. "Yummy" she said. We got out the ice cream and put it into bowls. After that max watched a show with us and he went to bed. Jules and I stayed up and watched the chuck. We got to the 4th season. "Ok Morgan stop being a jerk. I hate Morgan with the intersect." "I know, but I'm happy chuck and Sarah are getting married." I said. "Yeah." She said. We kissed and went to bed.

-next day-

I got up early and made breakfast for max, jules and I. Max came out in his robot pajamas. "Morning." He said. "Morning kiddo, I made breakfast." I said handing him a plate of bacon, sausages, and chocolate chip pancakes. "Yummy!" He said smiling and started eating. "My dad took me to a crime scene once, I ate some chicken and he said I shouldn't eat at the crime scene near the dead body. I asked if it was rude and if I was supposed to share." "I've done that too max, it's ok." I said laughing. He laughed. "Where's auntie Julie?" "Right here." She said coming in. "Morning jules." I said giving her a peck on the cheek. "Mm that looks good." "Good, it's yours." I said handing her a plate. "Thank you shawn." "Your welcome." I said. I ate with them and we all got in the bug and went to work with max. "Good morning lassie!" I said to Carlton. "Morning spencer, your never here this early. What are they selling snow cones?" He asked. "No but that would be awesome. I came with jules." I said. " Good morning chief." I said. "Morning Mr. Spencer." She said. I smiled. "Chief max is here is that ok?" "Yeah." She said. I went to jules. "Hey babe." I said. Max was over in the nest where officers and detectives sleep after a long all nighter, or a case. "Hey. I'm so tired." She said. "Oh no." I said. I massaged her shoulders. After that she went to work, after I got her Starbucks of course. After that we went home and ate dinner, and went to sleep.

-Next Day-

I woke up and kissed jules. After she got ready and went to work I got ready and put on a suit. I woke up max. "Hey bud time to wake up." "Shawn?" "Yeah." "Why do you have a suit?" "No reason." I said. He got up and got ready and dressed and we went to the SBPD. I went in and went to the lobby. "Mr. Spencer." The chief said. "Yes chief?" "Your dressed up." "What are you talking about? Oh this? I just got this why something wrong?" "You never dress like that." "Things are changing chief." I said and walked to lassie. "Morning Carlton." I said. "Spencer I don't have time for-" he said and looked up from his paperwork. "Holy-" "something wrong?" I said. "I I-" "ha your a good man Carlton, just try to talk to me like a normal person." I said and walked past him. I went to Juliet. "Morning detective." I said. "Hey babe." She said not turning around. "What's that looks like something that could be productive and not time wasting but what do I know, maybe it's just me but is it like 3 degrees cooler in here or something? Huh we should call someone about that I mean if your going to have this work environment by law shouldn't it be up to code? Interesting." "Are you feeling ok?" She said not turning to see me. "Yeah I'm well what's a word prodigious which is not a common word used, it's a shame really." I said. "Uh shawn?" She said finally turning around. "What the?" "Hello Juliet." I said. "What are you?" "What am I doing? You probably have several questions." I said. She nodded in approval. "Ah, well you see I thought I wasn't giving it 100% so I thought why not, changed some things over night and now I'm more professional." I said. Carlton came over. "Oh hello again Carlton." "Spencer. Uh Ohara may I speak with you?" "Sure." She said. She left.

Juliet's POV

"What the hell is going on with shawn?" "I'm not sure. He is more professional. Usually I wouldn't fight it. But it's so weird." "He's even calling you Carlton, I mean he always calls you lassie." I said. "Not normal." "Not the boyfriend I have come to know and love." "Intervention?" "Yes." He agreed. We went in the conference room. "Shawn?" "Yes" "can you come in here please." I asked. He came in. "Now is this going to be a waste of time? I mean I know the whole 'you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you do not have an attorney one will be provided to you.' I'm good there." He said. I was surprised. "Where is my boyfriend?" I asked. "I'm here." He said. "No, that's not shawn, my shawn." I said. "Juliet I'm fine, and Carlton I am done with those stupid nicknames, lassie really? What was I thinking, and oh my gosh I mean those nicknames for Gus? Really? So childish, I'm surprised I call you Jules. I mean did I have brain damage!" He said, "Do I need to slap you?" "Ok, first of all, I am pretty sure that would be harassment, or assault." He said. "You made me do this shawn, I love you but just." I said and slapped him. He turned back. "Well that was unpleasant." He said. "Are you back?" "You think a slap will do anything?" He asked laughing. "I don't have the time." He said about to get up. "Make time. And seriously your being a jerk." I said. "She is right." Carlton said. "Thanks!" He said chipper. "Oh my god." I said. "What the hell is your problem?!" "Yes I made Gus get in front of me in line. Yes I pushed Gus over that fence when we were little. Yes I kept all the candy to myself and you know what it was so worth it. and he still apologizes. I wonder should I say we aren't fiends anymore. Hmm decisions, decisions. sometimes I start to question whether you love me or not." He said. I slapped his face. "Ah that felt nice." He said. "You have problems." I said. He got up and started clapping. "Congratulations everybody." "What?" "Babe this was all a test, I hate being a jerk. I just wanted to see how far you would go, god I can be a b**ch. I'm so sorry, it was a horrible prank Dobson made me do it! he skyped me and said I should." "Ok am i talking to my boyfriend or the jerk?" I asked. He took off his dress shirt and his dress pants to reveal shorts and an apple jacks tee shirt. "The boyfriend and the jerk will never ever resurface." He said. I kissed him. "Does that mean anything?" "Of course it does babe." He said. I slapped him. "You were a true jerk." I said tearing up. "I'm so sorry." He apologized. "Since it was a horrible prank, I'll not blame you but Dobson but I swear if you-" "I won't I swear, pinkie promise." He said. "Ok." I said. After that we went to work and, got max, we went home and watched some tv. Then went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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