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"Suga-hyung!" A boy a few years younger than Yoongi called out to him. Yoongi was surprised to hear the voice again.

"I thought I  had lost you in the cafeteria," Yoongi groaned to himself. He was sick and tired of this childish, annoying presence that had been lingering all day beside him.

"Suga-hyung! I've been practicing my rapping! Do you want to hear?!" the boy said.

No. Of course Yoongi didn't want to hear.

"Not today kid. I have places to be." Yoongi turned to leave.

"Wait! I'll come with you! I could be the new member of BTS!"

Yoongi froze. There was no way he could let that happen.

So Suga just sauntered off, choosing to completely ignore the little boy.

And the boy was left alone, a single tear trailing down his face.


Yoongi closed the door behind him as quietly as he could; he couldn't let the other members see him like this: red cheeks and a goofy smile still plastered on his face. He knew they'd start teasing him about it.

Both Y/N and Yoongi had agreed that they should call it a day and go home for the evening. Although half of him hated to watch Y/N swagger away, the excitement of knowing that he would see her again tomorrow made up for it.

As Yoongi walked further into the BTS apartment, he heard excitement coming from the living room. It sounded like all the members were in there. Yoongi was curious to see what they were up to and momentarily forgot why he had initially opted to just sneak into his bedroom unnoticed in the first place.

Everyone appeared to be counting how many press-ups Jungkook could do with Jimin on his back. 

"27! 28! 29-!" the whole gang cheered as Jungkook collapsed on 30. And just as he was trying to get back up again, Taehyung jumped on too and then J-Hope. Everyone was laughing, bright smiles dancing on their faces. Yoongi's heart burst a little watching them all be so joyful and he couldn't help but crack a smile of his own.

Then everyone noticed him.

"Yoongi!" they all cheered gleefully and Yoongi considered running as they all looked at him expectantly.

Yoongi laughed nervously. He knew there would be questions. "Hey guys."

Namjoon was the first to speak: "J-Hope and I went looking for you around the studio to go home together but we couldn't find you."

"Yeah, where were you?" J-Hope finished for him.

Yoongi scratched his neck sheepishly but he couldn't stop the small smile from appearing on his lips when he thought about kissing Y/N.

Maybe she would let him do it tomorrow too...

Jin seemed to read his thoughts. "Ooooooooo. What happened to make Agust D go all shy?"

J-Hope, Jimin and Taehyung all joined in. "Ooooooooo."

"What's her name?"

"Is she nice?"

"Is she pretty?"

"Let me guess," Namjoon's voice cut in, a cheeky smile growing on his face. "Is her name Y/N by any chance?"

"Ooooooooo," J-Hope squealed, Taehyung joining in before realising: "Wait. Who's Y/N?"

Yoongi smiled again at the sound if her name and the others noticed. They all start squealing, jumping up and down. Namjoon and Jin patted him on the back; Jimin and Jungkook were whispering to each other with cheeky grins on their faces; J-Hope and Taehyung were running around the room excitedly, Taehyung screaming "I SHIP IT!" at the top of his lungs.

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