Chapter Two

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"Shit..." I mumble as I turn around slowly to face byron. We all know what's about to happen. Byron did not look happy. I'm so fucking stupid why did I do that. I stand there for a minute watching byrons nose flare as he loold back at his friends. "You should not have done that" he chuckles. He throws a punch at me and I quickly wince and its like it didnt happen. When I was a kid I used to be beaten so i was atleaste ready. Of course it still hurt but not as much. I feel my jaw ache from the punch. I see byrons fist coming at me again but this time it suprised me. I felt his fist connect with my face and I heard myself cry out. U reach up and touch my nose and feel blood. Although byron sees he doesn't stop. He continues to punch me before I fall to the ground in pain. As I fell I saw his foot coming for my stomach and winced the escruciating pain. I cry out once more before I hear someome scream out to stop. From there everything turned into slow motion. I saw a girl with long black hair run towards byron and pull him away from me shouting at him to leave me alone. I look around at the people encircled around me watching me, filming me. The girl and byron go at it and I feel myself I die out. I close my eyes and ignore my.surroundings. I lay on the floor aching in pain when I feel someone pick up my head and rest it on their lap. I slowly and weakily open my eyes and look up to see the girl wit the long black hair staring back at me with sympathetic eyes. I hear more shoutng and turn my head to see samantha pushing byron and crying. The crowd of people vanishe and byron walked away. Samantha rushes to my side and grabs my hand "I'm so sorry jo" she sobs. The girl says something to samantha and stands up letting sam stay with me as the girl runs to the office. I look up at sam and see her tears and close my eyes. A few more punches and I couldve been hospitalized.. I could have even died. Why couldn't have he just killed me. I can't take this anymore. I feel a tear fall from the corner of my eye. I just want this to be over...

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