Who am i?

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another chap hope ya guys like it


nother chap hope ya like it...


Tabitha's POV

am I dead?

Where am I? heaven?

I opened my eyes and see door in front of me I look at my right saw gandalf closing his eyes probably thinking then I saw someone I did not expect

Lady Galadriel she smiled at me

gandalf opened his eyes and smiled and said

"who are you?"

then the door opened as I saw aragorn

"how do you know our names?" aragorn asked leaning on the wall

pippin and merry came

"good morning" they said in the same time

" do you wish me a good morning or are you planning to be good on is particular morning, or are you simply saying this is a morning to be good on " I said gandalf looked at me surprised pippin looked at merry confused aragorn smiled and galdriel chuckled

" My dear anya you have grown" galadriel said

"anya?who she?I'm Tabitha Jr. "

"no you are the throne of the Starlight valley" gladriel continued

"Starlight Valley? what that?" I asked confuse

Legolas tense don't know why ?? Gandalf smiled and spoke

"ah yes Lady Anya of The Starlight Valley throne to be the long lost Queen how could I forgot , my mind has tectnally  slowed down." gandalf said

I gave him a nod along with a weird look a said

"yeah you shouldn't be smoking too much I heard it doesn't only slow minds but also causes cancer especially to old people"

I said sarcastically

gandalf's smile soon faded with a frown

that's when gimli came to the room

my eyes went wide

and then gasped

people  in the room started to look at me then followed where to I was looking

"YOU!!!!" I said pointing at Gimli

gimli gave a terrible glare or should I say deadly glare and holding his axe tighter

I walk closer to him as he said

"ME" gimli said

everyone in the room was now confuse

" What did you do this time gimli" aragorn said

I was still glaring at gimli

" n-nothing" gimli said

thats when I give a weird creepy happy looking wide smile plaster to my face  and then said








gimli had a horror and terrified looking face

while aragorn was shocked but then grin he must have imagined gimli crying or pleading to get out of this mess

merry and Pippin  had a  blank face plastered on their faces

gandalf was laughing

Eomer got choke from his smoke and soon laughing

Legolas look like he just seen a ghost

hahahahah this is gonna be interesting gufjfjvjv I do hope I will live.



hope you enjoyed.

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