Chapter 1: Unfazed

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A/n: This has been edited and also I am still alive.


???'s P.O.V

The Isle. A place many call home and others call hell. I simply call it my playground, this is the one place you can do something and not be judged for it well that is if you aren't a VK but unfortunately, I am one of those people, at least I used to be. 

I'm the Queen of Hearts daughter. Not many people like me simply because of where my mother came from but it isn't something I typically care about, if anything I could give less of a fuck about what these pathetic excuses of villains think about my family. 

You see I'm what people call 'that one edgy kid that sits at the back of the class' ut I like to think of myself as more of a badass lesbian with an unfortunate background due to family issues. If you truly think about it I'm quite the badass when I want to be but today was one of those days where life felt as if it didn't matter a bit. 

My only logical reasoning for saying this is simply because memories of someone I once cared for have come back to my mind, that person being Evie, yes that Evie. 

you see, Evie and I used to be the best of friends long before Mal stole her from me and left me for dead on this god-forsaken island. Normally I wouldn't care about someone leaving me as it isn't the first time it's happened but I was stupidly in love with the girl and she knew that, I was too dumb to realize she was simply using me but she only rubbed salt into the wound by joining up with Mal and her weak ass crew. 

Honestly speaking Mal and I used to get along fine before she decided to steal my best friend from me which was pretty much the same as stealing someone's weapon here on the Isle. I'm only bothered by it for the simple reason that all of the VK's acted as if I no longer existed, Evie still talked to me from time to time but once I heard wind of them leaving the Isle for Auradon it had already been a week since they left. 

It's been a few months since then and I can say for a fact that they've made far more enemies than they used to have, myself being one. They'd better pray to never come back to the Isle or it'll be the end of the road for them. 

Oh right I never told you my name, I can be a bit forgetful sometimes. My name is Y/n Heart, kind of a trash name but whatever I'll deal with it. Would you like to know how this journey goes? Hopefully, you don't start crying like some others have, not talking about myself of course ha ha...

Anyways go to the next chapter already, there's nothing left here for you to see dear reader...

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