Chapter 3 );

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Chapter 3 );

-Lj dream pov- ((a/n: ya I'm doing a dream... Shut up! I'm just doing my best...))

Where am i? It's so dark... "Kekekeke almost done..." Came a voice... It sounded like me... But... It just doesn't feel like my voice... I see the monochrome me standing over a little girl that looks like hitsunata... But slightly different... Blood was everywhere... The girl was nailed to the wall... Oh no... Did i do this? A girl... Wait... A younger Hitsunata walks in to the room... "Maddy? Why are you on the wall? It looks weird... Maddy?" Hitsunata said not even looking at the twisted me next to this Maddy... "Maddy say something! Come on! You know i don't like it when your so quite... Why won't you answer me...?" Hitsunata said climbing onto the bed "Maddy? Are you dead?" She said before someone walked in "Oh my! Hitsunata! Y-you killed her!" The person yelled "What? No i didn't... I found her like this..." Hatunata said looking upset "You lier! You killed her who else could have done it?!" The person said not even giving the poor kid a chance "I didn't do it! How do you know someone didn't brake in to the house?" She asked close to tears "Kekekeke they can't see me..." Said monochrome me.... Then the scene changed to a white room "Did you kill Maddy Montoya?" Asked a grown man to a slightly older hatsunata "I told you before i found her like that... I went to her room cuz i heard something... And there she was... I didn't know she was dead tell got closer... I would never hurt her! She was my best friend!" Hatsunata said glaring at the man "Now now... We all know you killed her so why are you still lieing?" The man asked "I'm not... Ugh... Fine... Ya i killed her it was me i just didn't want to get in trouble okay?!" She said finally getting tired of the questions... Then the scene changed yet again... "...Why can't I have a friend that would actually care about me?" The twisted me asked some transparent girl "Cuz you're cold inside... Unlike most you wanted to just be friends with one person... Most move on after the child grows up... Maybe if you were more like your old self you could have a second chance... If you were warm again... I could do that for you... I could give you my friend! She's nice! Oh... But you got her blamed for murder... Ah! If i erase both your memories then you could replace me! Should i do that?" Asked the girl "Yes! Just do it!" "Okay okay... But then you would have to be in your box tell she gets you..." The girl said looking worried "I don't care just do it!" Monochrome me said... Wait... I-i killed her best friend... I got her in trouble... Does she remember that? And if she does... Then why is she being nice to me...?

-end dream pov! Now just normal awake Lj pov-

I woke up to the sound of someone's voice "Jack answer me!" It was hatsunata... "Hatsunata... Your okay?" I asked looking at her bandages... "Of course I'm okay! Anyways why are we here?" She asked looking around "You were injured by some guy called Jeff so i brought you here to get treated..." I said looking down remembering my dream... Then the man from my dream came into the room "There you are you little murderer why is there a dead body at your house?!" Yelled the man "Body? I don't know... I wasn't there... Last i cheeked just me and my 'new' friend jack here, were there but there was no dead body... Just some guy trying to kill me..." She said trying to get up "Oh you little lier, There is the body of Amy raine in your living room. There wasn't anyone else there. So stop lieing." The man said "She's not lieing! She was stabbed and i brought her here straight after! We haven't been there for two days! If someone was killed it was after she was stabbed!" I said getting so sick and tired of this moron yelling at an injured child. "Wait... She's been here for two days? But Amy was killed about 12 hours ago... How?" The man started "It wasn't hatsunata that killed this Amy person and she didn't kill Maddy Montoya. She did nothing wrong." I growled "Now if you so please get out of the room! The poor girl needs to rest..." I said pushing the man out of the room "Heehee thanks jack... You're really funny..." Hitsunata said falling back sleep...

She's so pretty and kind... But... All i ever do is hurt her... What should i do?

((A/n: yay! New chapter! I suck! Okay so uh ya... Wrote this cuz someone wanted new chapter... And I'm gonna work on chapter 4... But i get writers block straight after finishing one chapter... So i might be slow...))

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