This Song Saved my Life

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Chapter 3

This Song Saved my Life

A couple months later

"Come on Jeremy, the doors will be opening at two, we gotta get there early!" I shout to Jeremy. Warped was finally coming to us where we lived, a small town in Idaho. All Time Low was going to be there. It'd be my first concert, my first time seeing them live, and my first time meeting them (if I could).

We got there and I could tell Jeremy wasn't very excited to be there. I wasn't about to let him ruin this for me. My favorite band was coming and I refused to let him make me sad. He was already looking down, but I couldn't let it get to me. I refused.

"Are you excited, love?" I asked him as we were waiting in line.

"Sure I guess, I don't really know who's playing except The Devil Wears Prada."

"I'm sure you're going to love it." I smile at him and he half smiles back. Come on, Jem, cheer up, I thought.

The doors finally opened at 2, and the line was slowly moving. I was getting so excited, I finally was going to see my favorite band.

After forever passed we were finally in. We wandered around for a bit seeing what there was to do. Being from a small town, I didn't know anything what Warped was about. All I knew was that All Time Low was here. Here in the same area, breathing the same air as me. After a few bands played, finally some bigger bands started to play. All Time Low was coming on at 7 and it was 4.

Jeremy and I watched the first one, but I noticed he was looking sad towards the end. I tried my best to comfort him, but nothing I was doing was working. After the band played their set, I went with Jeremy to find something to drink.

"Love are you okay?" I questioned him.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

Again, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Jem, tell me."

"It just makes me sad to know.. That I'll never.. Make you as happy as your favorite band does for you.."

"Jeremy, you know that's not true."

"Yes it is. I see it. The way you talk about them, the way your eyes light up. You don't love me anymore, do you?"

"Of course I do! How could you even say that.." Tears started streaming from my eyes. He looked up at me.

"Please, Liz, don't cry," he reassured me. "I swear I'll never leave you.."

We sat there for awhile, with him holding me, just listening to the music. "Please be happy, love," Jeremy said. "For me?"

"I'll try," I replied with sniffles.

@ 7

We were standing kind of close to the stage. Not as close as I wanted to be, but we were close enough.

The most amazing set All Time Low has played started. Kicking it off with "The Reckless and the Brave." I sang my heart to every word to every song. I knew all of them and Alex was just way too funny for me to frown. I knew this day just couldn't be bad. Not with All Time Low in it.

At first, Jeremy was doing good, he was jumping with me and having a good time. Then about half way into the set, I noticed he wasn't jumping anymore, he just looked really pissed off.

When they finished, I knew I needed to get a spot in the line for signings ASAP. We got in line but we were in the way back. Jeremy said he was going to get something to drink, so I let him. I found one of my friends all the way up at the front and they motioned me to go to them.

"Hey Marie!" I said, smiling.

"Hey Lizzy!" She smiled back.

"How'd you like the show?"

"Oh I didn't see it, I watched like the first song and then got in line to get a good spot."

"Oh my god, you are amazing." She smiled at me and we started talking about random shit.

I was starting to get nervous about the fact that I was meeting Jack Barakat for the first time. I clutched my Nothing Personal lyric book, knowing that in it was the first song I ever heard by them. The line was finally moving and I was next. Jack was first.

"Hey, could you please sign your favorite song in it?"

"Sure thing," jack said. He gave it back to me. He shook my hand and gave me that dorky smile that made me melt, and passed it along to Rian. I asked him to sign his favorite song as well, and he did. Next was Zack, and he wasn't paying much attention and signed Alex's body, but gave me an adorable smile. Alex was next and he was going on about how drunk he was, and signed it as well.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I smiled back.

I waked away feeling elated. I just met my favorite band, my heroes, and I was so damn excited. I went to find Jeremy, and I couldn't find him.

"Jeremy?!" I called looking for him. "Jeremy?!" I called louder. I finally found him by the sandwich booth. He was looking really sad. "Jeremy! I finally found you! Where were you!"

"I was here." He replied emotionless. The light from his eyes gone. My light for him seemed to have no effect.

I don't know what's wrong with him, I thought he was having a good time? I guess he'll tell me if he needs me.

[A/N] sorry it's so long, and sorry no jack love yet, but I'm getting there, bear with me! I love anyone who even tries to read it! :)

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