Chapter 27

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Edward's face fell blank, a clear sign of how upset he was.

"Why not?" He asked in a soft, quiet voice. If he had spoken louder, his voice probably would've cracked.

"I need some time Edward. I can't just move back there after you ask me to! After five painful years, you finally found me and yet you want me to come back? You put me through hell Edward! Even in my new life, I still couldn't seem to forget you. Maybe it was because I was actually in love with you." Giselle sneered. Edward was taken aback by her outburst. He had no idea that she was so upset but he figured it would be an affect of him coming back after dumping her.

"Ok well I'm leaving tomorrow. I've been here for a few days, not really knowing when to see you or talk to you. But yeah, I'll be leaving tomorrow so if you change your mind, call me." He said with a smile at the end. He walked towards the door and turned around to look at her one more time before disappearing behind her front door.

Giselle ran up to the door and peaked outside. She saw his car in her driveway and she saw him. His face was in his hands, almost like he was...crying.

Giselle's heart broke as she noticed the impact her words had on him. She just rejected him.

"Now he knows how it feels!" Giselle muttered quietly as she slammed the door shut. She walked over to her phone and dialled the college attendance office.

"Hi. My name is Giselle Buchanan. Um I'll be out of classes today because I'm sick. Ok thank you." She spoke into her phone then hung up. She wasn't sick at all, just not feeling too motivated to go to class at the moment. She'd probably go back in a couple of days or maybe tomorrow but either way, she wasn't feeling like showing up at all.

One Month Later

It was May 28th and Giselle was sitting with her classmates in a large auditorium. The president of Stanford University was on stage shaking students hands while giving them their degrees. Everyone was wearing a red cap and gown as they walked up on stage after hearing their name being called.

When Giselle had received hers, she looked out into the audience, hoping to see a familiar face but she didn't. Everyone else had at least one family member who was there to support them but she didn't. The only family member left was Ashton and he probably didn't even know she went back to college.

After the graduation ceremony was over, everyone either stuck around and chatted with friends or left to go to the after party. Giselle decided to go home.

When she got there, she walked up her front steps and saw a letter sticking out from her mailbox. She pulled it out and took it inside. When she got to the kitchen, she set her purse on the counter and proceeded to rip open the envelope.

The letter read:

Giselle, if your reading this then that means that you decided not to throw this letter away. Anyway, I thought I'd congratulate you on graduating college. I'm really proud of you and how far you've come. I hope to see you again sometime in the near future but if not, then that's fine too. I hope that we could talk sometime on the phone because I miss hearing your voice. Lawrence misses you alot but so do I. Anyway, congrats.

Yours Truly,


Giselle wiped away a few tears that had fallen down her face. They hadn't talked since he left for New York and she had given him her answer.

"Ugh! I'm gonna hate myself for this!" Giselle grumbled. She walked back into her bedroom and grabbed a suitcase. She packed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, three dresses and four pairs of shoes as well as two handbags and some makeup. After zipping up the suitcase, Giselle grabbed her keys and wallet off the counter and pulled the suitcase out of her house, locking the door behind her.

Giselle put the suitcase in the trunk and drove to the San Francisco International Airport.

When she got there, she bought a first class plane ticket to JFK. It would be several hours until she got there so she decided to get some sleep. The different time zones would definitely have an effect on her. By tomorrow morning, she would be in New York City, chasing after the love of her life.

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