Mission One Part 2

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(Doc POV)
I was fiddling with the stim shot in my hands when I hear Wolf shout "THIS IS WHY YOU NEED TO TALK" I accidentally drop the stim and it lands in my foot "SSSSSSSS AH"

Wolf: "Comms have been jammed and Frost is down and apparently they are being surrounded." I quickly pull the needle out of my foot and press on my comm.

Doc: "Okay I'll head in I'll tell you if anything happens."

Wolf: "Roger that." I start running towards the back door when I realise he didn't tell me where they are.

Doc: "Wolf do you know where they are?" I was met with silence "Fuck. Guess I have to go in blind." I run up the stairs and shoot 3 hostiles with my shotgun and run through a barricaded door only to be met with a fucking trap clamping on my leg. "Pour l'amour de baise." (For fucks sake)

 I tried shuffling behind a wall when I hear footsteps coming in my direction. I hold my breath and whip out my pistol when I see their shadow and breathe a breath of relief when its just Montagne and Ash.

Doc: "Wouldn't mind helping would you?"

Montagne: "You're a great backup mon ami."

Doc: "Haha now get this off so I can stim myself." He takes the trap off me while Ash guards the door and then I stim myself. "Where are the others?"

Ash: "We were hoping you would know. Where's Reaper and Wolf?"

Doc: "They ran off after you lot went in. Wolf told me your comms were down and that frost has been shot." Its not like i could tell them of the other mission I don't know if it was secret or not.

Ash: "What you mean they ran off?! And how would Wolf know about Frost being down." I just shrugged my shoulders and stood up.

Doc: "I don't know but we better get to them fast hostiles were heading in their direction." Without another word we turn and stealthily run up the stairs leading up to the third floor. We crouch on the bottom step when we see hostiles about to breach into the door leading into a bedroom. I pull up my gun about of attack but Ash lowers my gun with her hand and pull around her breach launcher and shot one remote breach charge at them and they all exploded. We quickly get up and pull down the barricade only to get electrocuted by Bandits electrified barbed wire and IQ's pistol in our face. They quickly realise who we are and I see Frost behind the bed with one of the hostages knocked out. I raise a brow and IQ speaks up.

IQ: "He was screaming so we had to knock him out." I nod and Frost opens her eyes.

Frost: "Oh thank god your here." I nod and quickly shoot her with a stim shot and shrug her arm around my shoulder to take her back to the helicopter.

Doc: "I'm going to take her back to the helicopter or do you guys need me?"

Bandit: "There's no point yet the hostages are just next door." I gently place Frost down to sit on the bed. I run with my gun aiming at the door of where the hostages are with Bandit and Montagne. Ash stands in front ready to breach once IQ has rappelled outside. 

We hear the window break and Ash breaches the door and a whole lot of bullets come our way but Montagne blocks them all with his shield. While we distract them IQ picks them off and Bandit shoots the final two. After the last hostile has fallen I run over to the hostages to check for injuries while Ash unties them.

Mother: "Where's my husband?!" 

Ash: "Hes fine hes in the room next door." She says while trying to calm the kids down from crying. We start leading the hostages out with Bandit carrying the unconscious man and I'm helping Frost walk. We make it down the first set of stairs when ash starts to talk.

Ash: "I wonder who the sniper was." Wait what?

Bandit: "What sniper? Do you mean the person that was in here before us?"

Montagne: "What do you mean?"

Bandit: "When we went to get this guy there was just a trail of dead bodies leading his way and it wasn't us that knocked him out, this is how we found him." We all look at each other wondering who this was but I already know. I just hope they're okay.

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