Mission One Part 1

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Few hours later

I wake up to darkness "Damn how long was I asleep?"

"Not for long" Someone says on the other side of my room.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I shout as I quickly throw my throwing knife.

(Wolf//George POV)

He catches my knife and I quickly roll off the bed and slam him against the wall with the knife to his throat. "WHO ARE YOU" I dig the knife deeper into their neck until he taps my shoulder and I realize its Reaper.

George: "Shit sorry man. You know you cant just sneak up on me like that" He stares at me silently then my HUD lights up and writing comes on the screen.


I click yes and a message from Rip pops up.

Reaper: "Six has called us and a few others to the office you coming?"

George: "I guess this is how we are going to be talking from now on ey?" I cock a brow and he nods. "I'll be there in a few minutes" He nods and walks out. Is he still pissed at me?


-Three hostages

-Over 100 Hostiles

-Team Leader Ash

-Team: Bandit, IQ, Ying, Frost, Montagne, and Bandit

-Back Up: Doc, Reaper and Wolf

George: "So the mission is to kill me ey?" The other look at me stupid while Reaper face palms. "I just wasted hell of a good joke" I nudge Reaper but he slaps my elbow away.


I look up at in front of me and see Ash looking tense. Must be her first mission as the leader. Montagne puts his hand on her shoulder and she jumps

Montagne: "Don't worry you'll be a great leader. Everyone is scared on their first time" I roll my eyes at this thank god no one can see my eyes through the mask. But that line was a tad bit cheesy.

Ash: "Thanks Mont. You got any tips?"

Montagne: "Well seen as no one here knows each other how about we all introduce ourselves yeah?" I internally groan. Ash looked at all of us and decided to start.

Ash: "Hello my name is Eliza. FBI. Transfer from Israel

Frost: "Tina. JTF2. I'm a skilled trapper"

Ying: "Siu. SDU and I trained in Israel aswel" She smiled and nodded at Ash.

IQ: "Monkia. GSG9. I'm good with tech."

Montagne: "Gilles. GIGN. I like shields."

Doc: "Gustave GIGN. I'm a master healer." They all turned to bandit and he spoke after a sigh.

Bandit: "Dominic. GSG9 I used to deal drugs." I smiled a bit at his introduction. They all turn to me and Reaper. He nudges my shoulder and I roll my eyes.

Wolf: "S.A.S.  I don't trust you guys enough to tell my name or anything else." They all turn to Reaper but he just shakes his head and walks off the helicopter.

Ying: "Well he's not very talkative is he?" They turn to me.

IQ: "Awe Dominic he's just like you." I head Bandit scoff and I walk off to find Reaper up in a tree.

Wolf: "You gonna come down?" He shakes his head. I throw a rock at him and he catches it and throws it back. I sit on the floor when my HUD lights up with the camera from the helicopter and I tune into their conversations.

Frost: "I wonder why they don't have files." Oh cheeky talking about us when we ain't there?

Bandit: "Maybe some things are best left hidden and forgotten."

Montagne: "Maybe. But how can we trust someone that we know nothing about?"

Doc: "I wonder what they're hiding." Ash speaks up about going in in 5 minutes and I start to head back as Rip Jumps down from the tree. I watch as the team starts rappelling up the building and I sit next to Doc.

Doc"Where's your mystery bud?" I cock a brow. Didn't think anyone would strike up a conversation with us. He sighs and shakes his head I guess I must have been thinking to long.

Wolf: "Sorry. He's gone to do the Secondary mission."

Doc: "Secondary mission?"

Wolf: "Yeah me and Ri-Reaper were sent here to get some information." Doc just nods his head. "Sorry about my outburst last night."

Doc: "Nah its fine you had good reason to protect your friend. But I'm Confused on how you have no marks on your fists from where you hit through the wall." I quickly stand back up and rub my fists.

Wolf: "Uh yeah. I better head out. If anything happens tell me through the comms yeah?" He nods his head and I run off. I look up at a tree to see Reaper sniping. "I have to do everything myself" I quickly rappel up a wall and smash through a window kicking a hostile across the room into another and I quickly stab the other two in the neck with my knife. I turn to see the father of the hostages and he starts screaming bloody murder. I quickly run out of the room and slide under a door when I hear people walking up into the room. I turn around and see some stairs and I quickly run down them leading into the basement. I may or may not have left a trail of bodies. I'm about to breach a door when my HUD lights up with a message from Reaper.


I press receive and I widen my eyes at his message "Their comms are being jammed. Frost has been shot. They're being surrounded." 

Wolf: "THIS IS WHY YOU NEED TO TALK!" I was only met with silence. I turned my comm on to speak to Doc.

Wolf: "Comms have been jammed and Frost is down and apparently they are being surrounded."

Doc: "Okay I'll head in I'll tell you if anything happens."

Wolf: "Roger that." I kick in the door of the basement and my eyes start to water and a strong smell of death and blood fill my senses.

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