"It All Makes Sense Now"

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Jackals P.O.V

I slowly wake up in an unfamiliar environment. I stay still trying to figure out where I am. 

"Dinner is on the table next to you. If you want it." I jump at the random break of silence and look over to see George playing Need For Speed. I get up and eat in silence just watching him play with Scout watching me waiting for me to accidentally drop some food. 

Jackal: "So uh about last night." I notice his body tense and the car he was controlling crashes into a wall. I wait for him to say something. Hell at least acknowledge me! But he doesn't. "George-"

Wolf: "You can leave if you want I'm not keeping you hostage." He cuts me off.

Jackal: "It's not just that it's just."

Wolf: "You don't, And you wouldn't understand"

Jackal: "Maybe I would if you explained." He pauses the game and turns to look at me.

Wolf: "I know you and Doc have been talking about me."

Jackal: "How? We were in his lab thing!" 

Wolf: "I hear everything that goes on in these walls." He taps his ears while saying this.

Jackal: "So uh could you at least try to explain who and what you are." He releases a sigh.

Wolf: "My name is Lorenzo George Caffrey and I was born on the Second of February 1857 in Wales. on Christmas day 1868 "the white masks" Broke into my home kidnapped me and murdered my mother and father while I hid in the closet. I still don't know where they took me and I wouldn't like to revisit there anytime soon. The stuff they did to me is just horrible." He shuts his eyes and I notice blood dripping from his hands where his claws are digging into his hand. 

Jackal: "You don't have to continue if you down't want to." He opens his eyes and they are red.

Wolf: "I might as well."

Jackal: "Can I ask a question before you go on?" He nods his head. Grabbing his helmet.

Wolf: "I need a piss anyway."

Jackal: "How old are you exactly?" He gets up and approaches the door.

Wolf: "161" He walks out the room leaving me with my thoughts. What have I gotten myself into? I process all the information he has given me until the door opens again with him stuffing his face with popcorn. 

Jackal: "Really?"

Wolf: "Want some?" He asks pulling his helmet off, his eyes still red, and he sits next to me on the bed leaning against the wall. I mumble a yes and grab a handful and he continues on with his story. "Where was I?"

Jackal: "I think you were going to explain what they did to you after they kidnapped you."

Wolf: "Well done you are listening. Anyway when I was taken to their base a man named Plague did experiments on me. I'll never forget the first one. he forced me to swallow some red and green stuff that made my insides burn and I felt as though I was being ripped open from the inside. I screamed in pain for hours that night. I didn't always look like this. My eyes were once hazel and my hair was once a bright ginger now it's just darker. They invented a concoction which would make me into a werewolf. I don't know how they managed to do it but they did. My first 5 shifts where horrific, they would last hours, I would scream as my bones would snap and reform I would also feel like someone threw me in a fire because my skin would burn as it stretched. I don't have to go through that anymore though thank god. It's only a few seconds and I guess I'm accustomed to the pain now. In 1884 I finally escaped that place. Sort of, They said they let me escape but I'm not to sure about that. Plague whispered something in my ear and I changed. There was a ball/party thing going on that day and I killed everyone Everyone either had a limb ripped from them or their head was across the room. These killings went on for years I think I stopped at the end of world war 2 in 1945. That's when I killed my whole team and the government found out about me so thy locked me in a cage for years until they put me in the special forces heck I was even apart of MI6. And while I was working there I met a 13 year old kid that was on my team. I seen a lot of myself in him so I took him in and raised him as my own. That bot was Reaper. We worked on missions together, no one could separate us but there was one mission that changed him forever. He wasn't always like the way he is now, moody and quiet he was sarcastic and was always happy before then. Anyway that's not my story to tell." He slides off the bed and grabs his helmet and keys. 

"You want a few minutes to yourself? I gotta go on a mission anyways so I won't be back for 2 days." I nodded and he walked out to god knows where. I sat there for at least 30 minutes petting Scout before I got up and headed straight to Doc. Bursting through his door I don't even wait for him to say hi before I speak.

Jackal: "He's a werewolf!" Doc turns around and he doesn't even seem shocked!

Doc: "He finally told you then."

Jackal: "What do you mean he finally told me?"

Doc: "I had my suspicions." I nod and sit on a chair.

Jackal: "What should I do?"

Doc: "What do you mean what should you do? He's your friend for Christ sake and I know he likes you a little more that that."

Jackal: "What do you mean?"

Doc: "Christ! Everyone on this team knows, it's as plain as day!" I don't reply and just look down. Was it really that obvious? Am I that clueless or just ignorant? God he probably thinks he hates me. "Look with the question on what you should do just act normal and accept him. He obviously trusts you enough to tell you. Now go on I need to finish some stuff here." I mumbled a thanks before I left the room and I was back in the corridor. I walk down next to the girls dorm and look at the hole George made a few months prior.

Jackal: "That explains a lot."

"What does?" I jumped when a random voice spoke up next to me.

Jackal: "Oh uh nothing."

Ash: "You know it's not good to keep secrets in the team right? You're already mixing in with the wrong crowd. Especially Wolf."

Jackal: "You don't know anything about him. Quit being such a perra." ((Bitch))

Ash: "Yeah that's the thing we know nothing about either of them! How can we trust someone we don't know!?"

Jackal: "They have saved Frosts life and they would probably save yours too if they had to even if it would kill them."

Ash: "They are up to something and you know it too." She walks off leaving me alone again. The sound of an engine revving breaks the silence and Reaper runs past me throwing on his coat heading to the noise. I don't bother asking as I wouldn't get an answer anyway so I just walk off to grab food.

1300 words

Some reason all my tags have been removed

Random question but who are your mains in Seige? Mine's Jackal (Obviously) And Doc though I have been using Maestro recently cause he's OP .

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