A note to remember:

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              This is just a short story. Don't expect that it will last for more chapters. I already planned this story beforehand. To tell you honestly, this story is just 21 chapters long. Thank you very much

 Also, I'll update this once a week but I'll post 7 Chapters for the week.

As you can see, I have two unknown characters on the cast, right? Well, that is Jiana Davis, a former contestant in America's Next Top Model: Guys and Girls Edition while Laura James is the winner of the same show but College Edition. I just feel they are fit for their roles.

Xiumin and Chen are the REAL LOVERS here. Jianah is a former convicted woman who was about to get vengeance with Chen and his family. Let's see how she will use Xiumin to get back at Chen, alright? And about Laurie? Well, as a spoiler, I would like to say that before Chen got accepted at SM Entertainment, he's in a relationship with Laurie. He broke up when he's going to start training.

Jianah will use her against Xiumin and Chen's relationship but her conscience will eat her up and finally, she will do the right thing.

So stay tuned for my updates








-Arika Kim/exotic-mammalz

If The Feeling is Gone (EXO XiuChen Fictional Story)Where stories live. Discover now