Chapter 3: Shall He know me?

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His blue eyes stared at me, he walked around in circles.

" You can leave us alone." He said calmly. Everyone followed his commend, they ran far into the woods.

" So, who are you?" He asked calmly. I grinned.

"No-one you wanna know." I snapped.

" You are the new girl at school, she went to the bathroom. You appeared here." He continued speaking calmly. I grinned.

" Why does it matter to you?" I asked. He paused for a minute.

" Because YOU are in MY territory." He snapped. I grinned, and sat down.

" You already know who I am, so. What should I tell you?" I asked. He sat down opposite me.

" Do you really live in a small hut somewhere here?" He asked.

" No." I snapped. " I live in a cave, alone. I don't mind it though."

" I see. I'll let you live here for a while, But-" He said.

" Oh, there is always a but." I inturapted. He growled.

" If you disturb my pack then, you're dead." He snapped. I nodded.

"Okay." I said.

" Now go." He said calmly. I ran over to where my place is, my cave.

" We will disturb them though, right?" Xena asked. I giggled.

"Yes we will." I thought. I lay down in my wolf form, I was nearly invisible in the shadows. I lay there, I could not fall asleep.

" I'll just go hunting I guess." I thought, I changed into my 'real' form. I flew to the waterfall, wolves imidietly coming from everywhere.

"Hello. Nice to see you all too." I said nicely and then grinned.

"Time for hunting." I snapped. I jumped on a wolf, I imidietly snapped his neck. I growled, wolves circled me around. I was ready to pounce when I heard a howl, my mate's howl. I stopped looking him in his bright blue eyes.

"It's now or never, I can't just think that a mate, will save me from everything." I thought.

"Yup. He can't." A weird voice said in my mind. " Oh, I am Damon. Your other wolf. And let me take over now." I could feel losing control of my body. Damon was taking control, this'll be bad. My eye pupils turned cat like. And that's were I lost it. Damon was killing everyone apart my mate. He gave me back control, I was standing there, covered in blood and it wasn't even my own. My mate, looking in my eyes like I'm a monster. He howled, that was a call for someone, the alpha came running to him. Probably with the Luna by his side. They looked at me terrified.

"You defited our best fighters!" The Alpha shouted. I didn't feel bad though, I am a killing machine after all.

"And?" I asked. The alpha growled.

" Get him! Now!" He shouted, a lot, I mean a lot wolves came sprinting to me. They pounced on me, bit me and scratched me. Nothing, I felt nothing. I spread my wings, they all fell backwards. Some of them whined. And they think I'm a male... great!

"This is not over. And... I'll be back." I smilied. I run over to my cave, cleaned myself in a matter of seconds. And changed to my 'fake' form, I came running like a pup. Protending that I am playing and I run over to the dead wolves.

"Oh my god. What happened here?" I asked shocked. The alpha looked at my mate.

"I thought that I told you to take her off our land." He said annoyed.

"Uh... I-" My mate didn't know what to say.

"No-one can get me off their land. I live here now." I smilied.

"Hello, how did getting out of trouble go?" Damon asked in my head.

"You?! Again?!" I shouted in my mind. " You know what, I hate you!"

" Not my problem, your father sent me. You know, protecting you?" Damon replied.

" Who IS my father?" I asked. " I never knew him."

" The king of underworld, The devil?" He said. " You know him, right? That's your dad."

I know it's too short! But I wanted I cliffhanger! I'll try to get the next chapter longer, I promise!

Hope the story is pawsome! :3

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