{.*+Chapter 14:My childhood+*.}

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I sat in my hiding spot for a few minutes trying to remember anything about my mother. I couldn't, everything about her was blank. Are my parents keeping my memories? Why don't they want me to know what happened when I was small?
I kept asking myself those questions, I couldn't answer them, neither could my inner-wolves. I decided to come back to Shade's home, even though I felt like staying outside. I ran to the house, as I came in I couldn't see Shade anywhere. Maybe he wanted to go for a run, no idea. I went up to my room and lay down on the bed.
A few hours past and I was tired of being in the house, there is a waterfall nearby so I'll just go there. I stood up and ran down the stairs, out of the house. I ran to the waterfall, I could already smell the water and could hear it. I reached the waterfall, it was beautiful.

I sat down in front of it, I tried to smell all of the scents

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I sat down in front of it, I tried to smell all of the scents. I could smell, the water, the grass, lots of different animals and a scent which quickly disappeared. I didn't care about it until my head started hurting, I fell onto the ground. Memories started flooding back; my childhood.
(I wanted to add a video which I made, that's why this chapter took a while because I needed to draw them, but I realized that you can only add from YouTube. So sad now. I might be able to get it to work next chapter.)
I stood up on all fours, I was... scared. How could I not have known what happened?
A ball of light appeared in front of me, it was an angel wolf.
"What do you you want?" I hissed at her, knowing the truth doesn't change me, I'll come back to being bad.
"Your mother wanted to talk to you, but she couldn't come herself." The angel wolf said in a happy tone.
"Oh, so that means she can come talk to my father but not me? Super nice of her!" I snapped.
"She says that she is super sorry." The wolf said.
"Well, I don't care. Tell her that knowing the truth doesn't change me." I said. The wolf looked at me sadly but nodded and the ball of light appeared again. She disappeared. I sighed and walked back to MY den.
I turned on the television I have, it's a small one but it's alright. I turned on the news channel.
"Breaking news, the wolf known as The Black Wolf, has not been seen for a month now. Is it dead? Or did it give up? You'll see next time, now the weather..." The lady in the News said. I grinned.
"Time for our new entrance." I thought.
"Finally!" My inner-wolves shouted in excitement. I laughed at them.
"I ship it." I thought.
"I already have a mate." Xena said.
"Xemon!" I shouted laughing.
"I do too, even though she died." Damon replied. I rolled my eyes.
"Do not roll your eyes at me, young lady." Xena said in a mother tone. Me and Damon laughed.
"Let's go already!" Xena shouted.
"Ready for the new beginning of the black wolf?" I asked.  "Because I am."
Sorry for the late chapter! Like I told you I wanted to add a video, I drew it and made it into a video. But then I realized I can't add it. 😱😭

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