{.*+Chapter 9: My Brother Died...+*.}

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The war went on, my brother might be dead. And there is nothing I nor my family can do about it. I hid in the corner of the room, I couldn't stop whining/crying, my brother... The only wolf I have as a friend... Is dead?

The fight was long, our pack's females and pups sitting in the bunker. Having nothing to do.

"Mum." I said as I came closer." I think we should go help dad."

" He said that no-one is aloud out." My mum responded.

"Dad... Dad might be dead. If we don't go, we won't find out!" I was close to shouting.

"Open the door, this war is not only between our mates. The war is between the pack." My mother shouted." Open the doors!" Every single female came running out of the bunker finding someone they can help. My mum came running to my dad, helping him fight a bunch of wolves. I came running to were I smelled my brother's blood, he wasn't there. His blood was, he wasn't. I howled, letting everyone know that my brother is possibly dead... My dad came running, his fur was covered in blood, not only his blood. He bent over the blood, he bent over to smell it.
" Sorry Xavier... Your brother... won't come back." My dad said shaking his head, I looked up at him. Tears started to fill my eyes. My brother... dead? He can't be... I can't loose him, he is the only wolf that thinks that I am good enough. What will I do without him?
I couldn't hold my body up any longer, as my legs started shaking I fell onto the ground. Crying...hoping for mercy. Mercy from the Moon goddess, only she can save my brother.
A few months later, if you weren't there on the fight, it didn't even seem like it was there. Apart from the part that my brother isn't there anymore, everything is the same like it used to be. Now, we are normally in our human form. My mom cooks food as usual, my dad has his daily jobs... and I. I am alone, like I was. Every night I howl, hoping my brother can hear me. I will have jobs that I'll have to do, I have to forget about him soon. If not I won't be able to be a good alpha in future. I'm sorry brother, I couldn't protect you...

Hope you enjoyed this short chapter! 😀 I couldn't really upload because I'm on holiday... BUT I FOUND OUT THAT THERE IS A WATTPAD APP! I'm so happy! I can upload more often! See you soon...


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