Tanited Love

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  • Dedicated to Becky Burdette

Okay this is new and it was going around in my head forever so yup here I go! Hope you like it!

Chapter 1-

The rain came down hard, dark, and at a blurry speed. It wasn't a normal everyday rain but I wasn't your normal everyday girl, I didn't do normal everyday things, and I don't think of this as weird. We ran though it with a purpose and we weren't stopping till we achieved that purpose. I know your probably wondering what the heck I do and why the heck I'm running in the hard rain but trust me it's really hard to explain. Most people think you're crazy others actually believe you. I know weird right some one actually believes me? The one girl who always told lies to get what she needed, whose friends told lies to get what they needed? Well I guess you could say some people are crazy. As we ran I ran harder and harder moving in front of my group. We were running down a dark street only seeing what we were chasing in the dim streetlights that were a few feet apart. The rain blurred our vision and slowed you down, but it wasn't only raining it was windy like no other. Oh and in my face pushing me back then every couple minutes would blow behind me and blow my dirty blond hair in my face. I mean it would be better if it was shorter but I still wanted to look a little like a girl. I mean I did have a life away from this whole mess so cutting my just below the breast hair would look terrible. I kept running losing sight of the figure as it sped up but I don't give up easy I kept going pushing my self harder and harder. I couldn't lose this one again my reputation would be shot. I would no longer be the top rank of my group and I couldn't let that happen. I mean me being the youngest of my kind I have to work extra hard to show my bosses that I can keep up. And I did I was better then members of our team that were here for years. I was the greatest I said it ran in family they say that I have a thing about me that is special thing that I have no one else does. Something alien. I on the other hand thought they were all crazy. I snapped back to present as I closer I knew it could here me now and I pulled out my gun. I couldn't believe they trusted a 16-year-old girl with a gun but I guess I was the best of the best so they did. I yelled to it not thinking it would listen they never do but hay it was worth a shot right?

"Stop now!" I yelled with all the meanness I had in my body, which wasn't much sense it came out sounding tired. I ran harder and harder until it stopped. I was shocked and I kept my gun out as I walked toward it. We weren't far apart and I could see the features it had, amazingly beautiful and hard to resist. It was a he and he had curly sandy blond hair and when he looked at me his usually dark and wild eyes were a deep sea blue. I put my gun down and looked behind me my group was far away still running I could hear the footsteps faintly but not getting close any time soon. I knew putting my gun away wasn't the best idea but I felt like I should. I walked up to him and stopped the pull that was getting me to put away my gun and walk closer up sort of went back in my head as the sanity pushed back in, a little.

"What's your name?"


His voice was velvet and I felt the pull again, the sanity was gone I was locked into his spell. I stepped closer he smelled so good. I breathed it in.

"Why do you chase me?" His voice spoke again and I could feel him completely taking over.

"Your bad and you do things that are mean. You hurt human beings that don't deserve the pain and hatred you put them though." I couldn't believe I got out that much.

"I don't mean to I mean I don't hurt everyone. I only hurt bad people, I wouldn't hurt you."

He didn't make any sense.

"You hurt that man back there he was laying dead he didn't do anything to you."

That's why we were chasing him again. First it was a little girl now a 40-year-old man.

"But you see the girl she stole a bracelet from her friend. And the old man he found a missing credit card and knew who it belonged to but didn't return it. He left it there on the side of the street. They weren't good people."

"Those are hardly killable crimes. So what I mean they didn't do half of what I do I lie to every one I love every single day. Don't you think that's wrong a killable crime?"

"Well maybe but your too fun looking."

He put his hand on my neck. I can't believe I almost ask him to.... ew that idea went though my mind?

"Come with me leave them and come with me."

"No you give up now."

I grabbed my gun and pointed it at him.

"Fine." He sighed in defeat.

Then with a hard force a foot kicked the side of my face sending me flying back and into a street pole. Ow, that flippin hurt. I got up with pain shooting though my back I reached for something anything to hit him with but there was nothing. We were on a vacant street no one or nothing around. My only weapon was so many feet away from me. I couldn't get anything and I couldn't do anything but sit there and wait to be killed. He came closer with a smirk on his face. I wanted to slap it right off. I started to crawl the only thing I had left to do I knew that I wasn't going to get any where before he came and killed me. I crawled faster listening for the footsteps of my group there was nothing. He got close and stepped on my foot shooting pain though it and making me scream.

"You're not going any where." His voice was cruel, mean, and full of hunger for the next kill.

"Stop!!! Please!!!" I was crying in mercy even though I had an idea forming in my mind. It was on a limb plan and I knew it probably wouldn't work but I could always try.

"Why should I stop?"

"Because I want to become on of you!" I was a great actress by the way.

"One of me?" He was shocked and even though he looked wry he was buying it.

"Yes I wanna live the night life! I want the trill of a kill my first as you!" I said it like I really loved the idea but also with a little fear I had to keep up my facade.

"I don't believe you." I could tell he didn't care as long as he got to suck my blood he didn't mind what I was intending.

"Please I've always wanted to live the world of the walking dead!"

"Fine if you swear on Satan himself that you want to be on of me."

"Fine. I Skyler Duvall swear on Satan himself I want to be a... a... Vampire."

And now you know what I do not that it mattered as he leaned to my neck....

Okay hoped you liked it oh and Duvall is pronounced like Do-vall I hoped you all got that but I didn't really know.

So I may post a picture of her or not so if there's a pic in the side bar that's her if not then I decided to wait and describe what she looked like first. Okay hoped you like it and Comment, Vote, Fan!

Okay and it was really suckish edited because my friend did it and I don't know if she did it right!

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