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"Landen!" I scream. I get out of the car screaming and run over to him. I see the figure far away. I still can't see his face but I feel as if I knew him. I jolt awake again in my bed. "What?" I say. "That felt so real!" I scream to myself. I hear a knock and Kat comes in. "Come on we're waiting on you" Kat says. I nod and get my things. Today we're heading to Tennessee. As we drive across the bridge I see the place Landen got out of the car...I try not to think about it knowing that I'm awake this time. I still feel like I know the figure...I know it's a guy...but who? Why are they doing this? Why am I having dreams of this? All my thoughts were interrupted when Dylan and Luke decided to start yelling. I ignore them and get back to thinking. I feel like these dreams are going to become a reality really soon and I don't know why. These dreams are trying to tell me something...but what? I've gone crazy and I know it. They all know it. Kats been acting like nothing is happening but I know she's worried and so is everyone else. I'm still wondering if I should tell someone...who do I trust the most? Could they even keep a secret? "Hey you okay?" Luke says. "Can we talk in private when we get to the hotel?" I ask. I'm going to tell Luke because I can trust him. Will he understand? He's going to think I'm crazy! We arrive an hour later....... "so what is it?" Luke says closing the hotel door behind him... "I think someone's trying to murder us" I say. "That didn't come out right" I say. "I've been having these dreams or nightmares...of someone murdering me...Landen was murdered last time I slept..." I say. Luke doesn't seem confused at all. "Oh" he says. "I'm having the same problem" Luke says. I nod and we talk it through until Luke leaves the room. It's good to know I'm not the only person. "Hey" Emma says coming in. Emma and I are sharing a room. Emma goes to sleep and so do I. I wake up and see Emma laying in a pool of her own blood. The figure comes to me and I see an eye...I know him...but I can't put my finger on in...he stabs me multiple times and I wake up again. I write down his eye color...brown. I'm getting closer to finding out who this guy is. I need to dream again to find out more...

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