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☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆

The brunette took a second sip of his drink and as he let his guard down, his face twisted into a bitter reaction.

Jimin laughed at the sight. "Holy shit Jungkook, I didn't think you'd have such trouble..." The orange-haired man manages through a thick layer of giggles. Jungkook smiles at the sound, and puts his head down so neither of his friends see his mouth curling and his face reddening like a god damn tomato. When the feeling passes, he looks up again.

Taehyung decides its time to spice up the night. "Hey, lets go in there." He points towards a doorway that's lined in pink neon lights. The sign above the doorway reads "BOYS BOYS BOYS" and Jungkook gulps harshly before nodding a little bit. Taehyung chugs the rest of his alcohol and grabs the younger by the arm. Jimin grabs Jungkook's other arm and they drag him into the smaller section of the club.

As Jungkook looks around the room, he feels something inside him twist.

There's boys all over the place. Jungkook's teenage hormones haven't completely given up and it doesn't help that he's a raging homosexual. God damn it, all the boys are so fucking gorgeous. The youngest of the trio doesn't know what to do and he remains still at the entrance of the room. Taehyung and Jimin look backwards when they notice his hesitation.

"Come on, Kookie. It's not that hard," Taehyung says, stepping closer. "Just choose one and get going!" He says with a disgusting thrust of his hips. Jungkook feels his throat convulse and he blinks hard before replying.

"Tae, I just turned 18, I don't want to have sex yet... besides, I think just being here and getting drunk is going a little too far." He mumbles, causing the others to have to strain their ears to hear over the music.

Jimin nods. "I understand, Kookie." He says gently, putting a hand on the younger's shoulder. "That's a really mature decision. I'm proud of you." He smiles brightly and Jungkook experiences his usual reflex lip-curl. He doesn't hide it this time and smiles cutely at the elder. Jimin giggles in response and Jungkook blushes. The pair hear a scoff from the red-haired male and their attentions turn.

"Y'all are boring as fuck." He says, taking a vape out of his pocket and inhaling the cancer juice. Jungkook smiles awkwardly and Jimin tsks.

"Tae, I thought you stopped vaping." Jimin scolds, taking his hand off Jungkook's shoulder. Taehyung shrugs. "Whatever. Throw your healthy life away. I don't care." Jimin says, shrugging in retort, turning back to Jungkook, who hasn't stopped looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung laughs and inhales from the machine violently, then exhaling a huge puff of white clouds, his middle fingers up. The cloud of white hides Taehyung's whole body and by the time the smoke clears, Jungkook's lost all sight of the red-haired boy. He looks back to Jimin, his eyebrows cocked upwards and questioning if he should go after him or not. Jimin shakes his head.

"Leave him. If he wants to throw his life away, then so be it." The orange haired boy says bitterly. Jungkook flinches at the tension between his hyungs. He shakes it off with a reassuring memory of Jimin's gleeful smile.

A couple hours had passed and now Jungkook sits at the bar letting his mind wander. He hadn't seen Taehyung since their interaction earlier that night and he also hadn't had anything else to drink. Although Jungkook isn't saying much, his mind speaks enough.

He's thinking about the last 13 years of his life, and how much Jimin has impacted it. Everything Jungkook has now, he wouldn't have if Jimin hadn't come up to him that day in school and asked what his favorite dinosaur was. Jungkook, of course, being 5 while Jimin was 7, didn't know what the hell a dinosaur was. The brunette had replied with "green." He didn't know that dinosaurs and colours were completely different things. Jungkook absentmindedly lifts his hand to his right earlobe, where a thin silver ring hangs. He had gotten that piercing when he was 16, encouraged by Jimin who has one exactly like it. It was painful but Jimin being there with him and cheering him on made it all worth it. Just the thoughts of these amazing experiences with his best friend make Jungkook's heart flutter and he can't help but allow his lips to form the phrase "my best friend makes me so happy."

Jimin, however, hears the mumble of Jungkook's thoughts, and being in a drunken state allows him to have no conscience whatsoever and say whatever the fuck he wants.

"You make me soooo happy too, Jungkookie~" the elder slurs, leaning backwards to make eye contact with Jungkook. His pupils are blown and his glasses are tilted. His thick cheeks are also a bright, mad, red. Jungkook giggles lightly at how fucking drunk Jimin is. Jimin heaves a dramatic sigh and he falls back into the counter, his back curving at an inhuman shape, making Jungkook wonder if it hurts. If it does, Jimin doesn't make any point to say it does. Jimin looks abruptly at Jungkook and the brunette jolts a little at the sudden movement.

"Y'know, I respect your opinion on not fucking anyone yet..." He mumbles, leaning closer to Jungkook. Jungkook raises his eyebrows in disbelief that this is actually happening. "...but I'll have to differ. A good fuck is a good fuck." He says, poking Jungkook on the nose. "Remember that, maknae. Good life advice from your hyung." Jimin cocks his head sideways matter-of-factually and Jungkook giggles. Jimin's gaze is torn away from Jungkook's brown eyes by someone on the other side of the club.

"Now if you'll excuse me," Jimin gets up, stumbling a little. "A certain glass of mint-haired water is calling," Jungkook turns his head to see the bouncer from earlier walking towards them. "...and mm, mm, am I ever thirsty~" Jimin slurs. Jungkook feels his heart break at the sight of the two together and he attempts to remind himself that Jimin's drunk affairs have absolutely nothing to do with his sober actions.

"Hey, good looking~" Jimin slurs again. The mint haired man smirks.

"Hey hot stuff. I'm Yoongi, but you can call me whatever you like, baby." He says. Jimin giggles and lets Yoongi put his arm around Jimin's small waist. He sways his hips and the two disappear into the crowd.

Jungkook watches on, his face reddening in anger before feeling the pain in his heart. He notices he's alone now and he feels his eyes sting. He lets a single tear fall before getting up and darting straight to the club's washroom.
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