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I wanted to end it. Forever. But in the back of my mind someone was saying that was bad. I couldn't tell why because it sounded great to me but I guess that's the way it is.  Visits from my friends were a regular occurrence and they seemed to be under the influence that it helped me. I tried so hard to hide my feelings. I tried, but it seemed that the more I hid them the harder it got. My emotions were clashing and the storm clouds were rising. It had been a couple weeks since I had stared doing my Foxfire lessons from home and I felt like it wasn't helping. I looked down to my translucent looking skin, pale from the lack of light I've allowed into my room. My room wasn't the only place where light was shut out and forgotten. It seemed to be that I the light had been switched off inside me. I was no longer Sophie Foster. I didn't deserve that title, no. From them on as I sat in the placid silence of my room I would be known as the girl who lost hope in trying. I was the girl who could take no more. The lost cause.

Iggy payed next to me on my matted blankets and we looked up to the ceiling together; his tiny breaths echoed around the room. Ella sat at the foot of my bed just barley touching the ends of my toes. We sat there together no doing anything except for getting lost on our thoughts.

Mr. Forkle has left me alone when I needed him most. I still had that stupid necklace on. It's the only thing I never take off, besides the sparkly charm bracelet. Somethings could never be replaced, some things could never be forgotten, some things could never be forgiven.

As I pondered these thoughts an undeniable rage started in my stomach. The lava started to heat and the cave started to steam. As the days past my rage grew to a volcano that was just on the verge of exploding. The knot inside me could not contain my emotions any longer. I saw the red I saw the black. I saw rage. I was going to hunt them down and make them pay.


I'm back I'm back I'm back. Yay

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