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That night Sophie fell into a deep sleep. She dreamt of fire and burning. Everything was burning, burning with undeniable rage. Fear splashed cool water over the heat but the flames never tired.
She awoke with a start and immediately sat up. Today was the day. The day she caught the rebels once and for all. First she had to make a plan. Sophie sat for hours just trying to come up with a step one but to no avail. When she thought about it she knew nothing about their new location or where they were or anything. If she was going to figure it out, she needed help.
Sophie picked up the imparter and whispered the name into the small device. After a few second Fitz's face popped up on the screen. He looked about as surprised as she was, but  tried to snap out of it and look as normal as possible.
"Uhhhh hey. What's up Sophie?"
"Hi Fitz. Um, I was just wondering... do you want to maybe come over?"
His eyes lit up, "Sure! I'll be there's ASAP!!" His smile flashed away and she got to work, quickly calling her other friends Keefe, Biana, and Dex.
Fitz arrived a little earlier but they were all there at generally the same time.
Sophie had been waiting by the door for a little when Fitz walked in. He wore a black tunic and pants that somehow looked like it came from Elf Scene.

As soon as we greeted a leach other with a small friendly hug Sandor came bursting through the back door, sword raised, sniffing the air with his flat nose. "Who came through the door?" His squeaky voice echoed through the empty house. His pants were covered in dinosaur feathers as he had been helping Grady and Edaline in the pasture since Sophie didn't need to be guarded as much anymore.
"Just Fitz." she answered plainly
"Oh and here are the others" Fitz opens the door for her and she greeted everyone with small hugs. They all began to walk up the stairs to my bedroom with her following behind when suddenly her breath felt to slow and weak to walk. Her body laid upright against the glass, breaths heavy and slow.
"Woah Foster. What's wrong? Why are you so tired all of the sudden?"
He gasped and they all turned around.
"Sophie, why are you faded?"

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