Chapter five: The cellar

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I covered my eyes with my paws as I laid on the cold ground. I could hear the creature's breathing in the distance. It sent vibrations down my spine as I felt It's presences approach closer. I could feel it lean over and its breathing stirred my fur. It spoke in a smooth clear voice
"Do you always lay around on the ground without moving?" She chuckled under her breath. "If I couldn't hear your little pants of breath I'd think you were dead." I uncovered one of my eyes and looked up at the creature. She had a red aura around her. I slowly sat up with my head at a slight tilt.

"What have you never seen a faerie before?" She asked. I shook my head slowly. "Well well well....looks like your in for a treat..." She chuckled. I lifted my tail and bared my teeth. "You better not try anything funny!" I said, growling. "Oh please, why would I hurt you?" She said. "Were in same situation aren't we?" I relaxed my nerves and sat back down. "I guess you're right..." The faerie looked up at the trap door. "Dark magic..." She whispered to herself.

I walked closer to her. "W... what about it? Is something bad going to happen? Are we going to die?" She turned quickly. "Oh please!" She shouted. "How am I ever going to get us out of here if you keep yapping!" She faced me and then looked down. "I'm... I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to yell.... I guess... being trapped in here all this time has made.... me.... well...." I smiled at her. "I understand.... don't worry about it.... I forgive you." I looked down at my paws. "This place that we live in... is cruel and it causes the best of us to act differently." I looked back up. "I.... will let you get back to finding a way out." I smiled again and go to the corner of the celler and lay down.

For a while I watched as the Faerie flew back and forth trying to find an exit. "Vixie." She said as continued to work. "Huh?" I asked, as I lifted my head up from the ground. "My name.... It's Vixie." I nodded and looked at her with a smile. "What about you?" She asked. "Whats your name?"

I looked away. I wasn't really sure what my name was. My parents never gave us names when we were born. The government only gave us ideification numbers. I looked at the bottom of my left paw. Three numbers were carved. "591." I said out loud as read them. "What?" Vixie said as she came over to me. "My name." I said. "Thats my name." Vixie looked at my paw. "That's unquie." She said smiling.

I heard footsteps coming from outside of the celler. "What's that noise?" I trembled. Vixie shrugged and stayed close to me. The trapdoor opened. A deep voice echoed into the celler "Dinner time maggots!" Two small pieces of dropped inside. The door shut loudly. I ran quickly up to the food. I sniffed it, it smelled like chicken. "It smells healthy." Vixie took a few bites. "Faeries eat chicken?" I asked as I took a bite. "Not useally, but when you're trapped in a cellar you don't have any other choice."

We ate our chicken, but we were still hungry. "We need to get out of here..." Vixie said as she tried to look for an exit again. "But how?" I said as I watched her. Then an idea finally popped into my mind. "Vixie! I have an idea!" Vixie flew over to me and looked at me. "I'm listening..." She said.

"You know when we last got fed the trap door opened?" I started to say. "Well what if.. when the door opens, we jump out and make a run for it?" Vixies expression changed into a smile. "Thats a great idea." I smiled back. "For now... we should get some rest, we need alot of energy for tommorow." Vixie nodded and fell asleep next to me in the corner until morning.

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