Chapter 2 - Travis

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"Travis! We need your help!" Aphmau yelled into the house.

"Ladies, what can I do for you?" Travis sees the look on their faces." Woah! What's wrong?!"

Aphmau and Lucinda begin talking at the same time. Travis has a confused look on his face.

"Ladies, ladies, one at a time." Travis says.

Aphmau starts.

"Something is processing Katelyn and her eyes are green, and something's wrong with her voice!" Aphmau said.

Lucinda continues.

" I tried to cast a spell on her to get the...thing... to leave her, but it didn't work!"

"Where's Katelyn," said Travis, all the sudden serious.

"She's in our house! But Travis, you can't go! She'll hurt you!" Aphmau said.

"I don't care Aphmau, I have to try!" Travis said with determination.

Travis ran out the door towed Aphmau and Katelyn's house.

"Travis wait!" Yelled Lucinda.

But Travis was already gone.

Travis got to the house and rant through the door, and up the stairs. He could hear Katelyn breaking anything she could find in her room. Travis knowledge on Katelyn's door.

"Katelyn please! Listen to me! You can get past this, fight it!" Travis yelled through the door.

"Travis! Is that you!" Katelyn voice went back to normal for a split second.

"Yes, Katelyn it's me! Don't worry you're going to be fine!" Travis yelled back.

The door suddenly flew open and Katelyn stood there, her eyes back to green, her voice had a demonic tone again.

"Katelyn please go back to normal!"

"Normal! What do you mean? I am normal Travis!" Katelyn said.

"No you're not. Come back to me. " Travis said.

"Are you arguing with me!" Katelyn screeched.

Katelyn outstretched her arm and Travis flew across the hall, slammed into the wall, knocking a painting off the wall onto his head. Travis was out cold.

"You don't know me! Nobody knows me! Nobody understands, and nobody will ever understand!"Katelyn screamed out to the world.

"Travis." Aphmau and Lucinda whispered under their breath.

Aphmau and Lucinda ran out of Travis's house and towards Aphmau and Katelyn's house. When they got there the couch was tipped over and everything was in shambles. They hear Travis groan from upstairs.

"Travis!" Yelled Lucinda. " up here Aphmau!"

"Travis! What happened!" Said Aphmau.

"She went...back to normal...(groan) for a second... but then she attacked! There's a force... inside of her... controlling her. She threw me against a wall and a painting fell on my head. Then everything went black."

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