Chapter 5 - Katelyn - Finale

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"Travis, please don't go! She could kill you this time!" Aphmau cried.

"I can't worry about that Aphmau. I just need to stop her before she hurts you, Lucinda, or Dante! I'm not just going to sit around while she goes on a rampage through MyStreet. Tearing homes apart!" Travis said angrily.

"Travis, I don't want you to get hurt." Aphmau said calmly.

"I'm sorry Aphmau. I have to do this." Travis said.

Travis walked out the door leaving Aphmau in tears. Travis walked out to the middle of the road.

"Katelyn!" Travis yelled.

Katelyn looked up from the ground.

"First you run, and now you're challenging me! Choose one! Run or fight!" Katelyn yelled in rage.

"I just want to help you!" Travis yelled.

"How are you going to help me if you're so far away?" Katelyn yelled.

Katelyn raised her arm from her side and pointed it at Travis. She lifted Travis up off the ground and started slowly bringing him towards her. Aphmau had been watching from the window the whole time, and when she saw Travis being lifted into the air she ran outside.

"Katelyn, you don't have to do this!" Aphmau yelled.

"Do what! Destroy some so-called friends! You can't stop me!" Katelyn yelled back.

" don' do.....this." Travis said. " down.....Katelyn." Travis said calmly.

Katelyn began slowly letting Travis down.
"What....what's happening?!" Katelyn screamed angrily.

"Yes! Keep fighting Katelyn!" Aphmau yelled.

"No! This can't be happening!" Katelyn yelled.

Travis's feet touched the ground and he started walking over to Katelyn.

"No! No! Stay back! I'm warning you!" Katelyn screeched.

Travis got to Katelyn and grabbed her hands. He started speaking softly to her.

"Katelyn, I know you, and I know deep inside you don't want to do this."

"No! No! You're wrong!" Katelyn yelled with tears running down her face.

"No, I'm not Katelyn....." Travis said as he leaned into Katelyn.

"Travis won't need anymore help." Aphmau said to herself as she walked back inside.

When Travis no Katelyn kissed it was like nothing else existed in the world. The kiss was passionate and powerful. Powerful enough to break the curse on Katelyn. When there lips parted, Katelyn leaned her head backwards and let her arms fall back. A gray mist slowly flew out out of Katelyn's mouth, and her eyes changed from neon green to blue. The force field around MyStreet flickered, then disappeared. Katelyn slowly tipped her head back to normal and brought her arms back to her sides. Katelyn started to fall forward, but Travis caught her and laid her down in the street.

"Travis?" Katelyn said softly.

"Yeah." Travis answered.

"Thank you."

Katelyn and Travis shared one more kiss in the street before they went to go check on everyone.

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