Injured Alpha Aphmau

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Aaron's POV

I was still in the waiting room while Aphmau was in surgery. My parents, Lilith, and Melissa came into the hospital. Lilith has clearly been crying and Melissa was trying not too.

I stood up and hugged her and Lilith. I picked up Lilith and she started to cry again.

Aa- Hey, don't cry. She'll be okay I promise... she's just hurt okay.

R- Son, what happened?

Aa-It was all one flash of motion, Dottie was the last one to cross and while going across... a car came speeding through. Aphmau jumped out and pushed her out of the way, the car didn't even stop. One second she was at my side... the next lying on the ground bleeding. We don't even know why the pups had to come.

Dot- Balto said you guys wanted us...

Aa- Balto said you guys wanted to talk to Aph and I.

Bla- He tricked us all...but Dottie gave him a pretty good beating in wolf form.

Dot- That I did... when I see him again i'm gonna kill him!

Der- Leave that to me... Aphmau is my sons girlfriend and a very good person. I have gotten to know her as family, she is important to Rachel and I. She has gone through a lot... she doesn't need to worry about Balto now.

Rach- I agree with Derek... this boy needs to be taken care of.

Dot- Did I mention that he smirked when the car hit Alpha instead of me.

Aa- No you didn't... Dottie where do you think he went. Because i'm going to kill him!

Dot- Go to the park, follow the blood trail.

Aa- If Aphmau comes out of surgery and wakes up tell her i'll be right back.

No one tried to stop me, I ran out going into wolf form. I knew my eyes were red but I didn't care at all, it was dark so no one was really out. I was a pretty big wolf though, when I got to the park I could still smell his blood.

I hear him breathing behind a tree... he must have seen me coming. I walked up to him... very, very angered.

Aa- Why... why did you do it. And who did you con into driving the car?! Why her! What was your satisfaction with this!
B- I meant for you to get hurt! So I could steal her from you! She was going to be mine!
Aa- What are you talking about?
B- I had a deal with Zach!! I was going to get rid of you and she would be mine!
Aa-Zach is not even in this dimension! How did you contact him Balto! How?!!
B-I... I made the deal a long time ago...

Derek's POV

Aaron has been gone for half and hour. A doctor came out asking for the Lycan family or anyone that knew Aphmau Green. Rachel, Melissa, Lilith, and I stood up.
Doc- Aphmau is out of surgery but is still drowsy from the medicine we had to give her.
R- Thank you doctor.

We walked in and saw this girl hooked up to monitors with tubes sticking out of her. She barley even looked like Aphmau, her ears and tail hidden. Her scars from her father showed. Melissa gasped...

M- She told me what her father did but I didn't know it was this bad.
She pointed to a reopened wound on her shoulder. The stitches closing it but not really working.
About 10 minutes later she started to stir.

A- A... Aaron... 

R- He'll be right back I promise. He just went to take care of something...

A-D...Dottie... is she... okay?

D- I'm right here Alpha... you saved me. Thank you very much..
They talked to her and filled her in on what happened. I told Rachel I was going to get Aaron.  I walked out of the hospital then went into wolf form. I got to the park only to see Aaron walking away. His eyes fading back to black...

D- She's awake and keeps asking for you.

Aa-Okay... lets go... how is she?

D- She doesn't look so well...

Aa- Has the bleeding stopped? She was as white as a ghost when I left her with the doctors. 

D- Yes, but she is hooked up to multiple machines and tubes. 

Aa- Lets go...

He took off running faster and faster with each step. I went back into the park to try and find this Balto character. I'm guessing this maroon wolf was Balto seeing as he's unconscious and bleeding.

 I'm guessing this maroon wolf was Balto seeing as he's unconscious and bleeding

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( What Balto normally looks like )

I woke him up...

D- I don't know the whole story of why you hurt my sons girlfriend but you will pay...  

I stepped on his face and walked away again. He whimpered and layed back down slipping into unconsciousness again...

I ran back to the hospital going back into human form when I reached the doors. I find everyone but Aaron back in the waiting room. I figured he wanted to be alone so I sat next to Rachel and took her hand.


D- He and Dottie definitely did some damage on the kid.

R- I hope so... she's really banged up... Aaron was stunned at how pale she was.

D- We'll have to talk to the school about this though. 

R- I know dear... she will be okay. She is Irene after all...

D- But she doesn't have enough strength to go into that form right now.

*All of the sudden a blinding white light comes from the hallway Aphmau and Aaron are in*

R-You sure about that?

Doctors come running out in shock and nurses in an unbelievable state of aw. Rachel and I run in to find Aphmau in Irene form about to take off, she took all the tubes and needles from her body and flew up and through the roof. Aaron went into Shad form quickly and followed her... he went invisible so no one saw him though.

Aaron's POV

She flew beyond the clouds and stopped... she looked at me slightly confused.  

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