Chapter 14

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Dylan's POV

"Do you wanna come back to my house? my mom doesn't get off work until nine." Kara said.

"Yea. Sure. But we have to take my truck back to my house and walk."


The rest of the drive was silent.


When we get back to the house I unbuckle Allie and carry her on my hip and walk around to open the door for Kara.

"Why thank you kind sir!" she giggled

Gosh her giggle is so cute.

I had to walk in and put my keys back so mom wouldn't know. Then me and Kara started to have a conversation and I didn't even put Allie down.

Because that minute my mom walked through the door. I put Allie down and she ran to mommy.

"Mommy!!!" she said

"Hi baby girl!"

She picks her up and gives her a big hug.

"Hey mom can I go up to Kara's for an hour or two?" I say

"Umm....sure. I don't see why not, but be back by 10 tonight." Mom told me

It was almost 6 right now so without hesitation, I took Kara by the hand, grabbed her bag for her and went our the door. and walked up to her house.


I set her bag downing her bed and she takes her hair out of her ponytail, takes off her shoes and socks.

"I'm gonna take a shower ok? so just do whatever you want." She said

"Ok I will go through your personal items." I said with a smirk.

"I don't care. Haha. I trust you with them baby." she said and walks into her bathroom.

I sit down on her bed and on her night stand is a box. It says 'the past' on it.
I take the box and open it.

The first think I saw was a bag and in it was an old crumbled up leaf. On the bag said 'age 8' this made me chuckle.

The next was a picture and it was her as a baby. She had the fattest cheeks ever. And it was the cutest thing ever. It looks like a Christmas picture.

The rest of the pictures were her and animals together.

One was her on a horse. On the back it said. '#favoritehorse Chancy age 13' she's talked about that horse before. She seems to love her alot.

Another picture was with her feet in the water and bread between her toes and fish were eating bread from get toes. 'Age 14' I'm not one to like feet but her feet aren't ugly.

The last picture was her and Emily riding horses bareback and they were laying on their stomachs backwards and their chins in their hands. Their legs bent and their feet resting on each side of the horses necks. The back said 'old times age 15'

These items seem like she had a great childhood.

I put all the items back in the box and closed the lid and sat it back on the night stand where I got it in the first place.

I then grab my phone and get on twitter and tweet a 'RT for a follow :)'

As I tweeted it, I heard something break the silence in Kara room.

"Dylan!" Kara yelled


"Come here please!"


I get up and walk over to the bathroom door and open it slightly.

"Yes baby?" I say

"I uh kinda forgot a towel, would you mind going to the laundry room ad getting me one please?" she said

"Yea sure. Ill be right back babe."

I pull the door together and speed walk down the hall and into the laundry room and get her a clean towel off the shelf.

Then walk back to the door of her bathroom and knock.

"Come in"

I walk in and she peeps her head out of the shower curtian and reaches for the towel and I jerk it away in a playful manner.

"Hey now. Gimme my towel Dylan Luke." she said. I just smirked and looked at her.

"Kiss me first." I say

She leans in and gives me a quick kiss on the lips and I give her the towel.

She pokes her head back behind the shower curtian and comes out with it wrapped around her.

Gosh she's so beautiful.

I walk out of the bathroom and she follows behind and I flop down on the bed ad she walks to her dresser and pulls out a pair of lace panties and a pink polka dotted lace bra.

Her back is turned so she has no idea I'm looking.

Then se gets a pair of yoga pants and a hollister t-shirt. Then she walks back into the bathroom.

She comes out this time with all her clothes on and even though she's dressed down, she's still beautiful. Even without makeup. Though I don't think I've ever seen her with makeup.

But the way her clothes fit every beautiful curve and edge she has is just beautiful and makes me want her so bad. But then I remind myself. 'It's only been a month dylan. Calm yourself.'

"Hey babe." she says and snaps me out of my trance.

"Hey baby" I say and get up and walk over to her and kiss her passionately but quickly.

She wraps her hands around my neck and I grab her waist and she connects our lips. She starts kissing me passionate and I can't help myself but kiss her back but harder.

She pulls away for a second and reaches her finger into her mouth.

"Hang on." she said

She pulls out the side rubber band on her braces so it dosent get in the way of my tounge and puts it on her finger. Then giggled and wraps her hands back around her neck and re-connects our lips.

The same thing happens and then when I start to kiss harder I can't help but walk backwards until the backs of my legs hit the bed frame and she follows. I pull her waist closer to me and I sit down on the bed and pull her into my lap and she straddles my torso.

The kissing gets more intense and heated. I snake my tounge in her mouth and she fights with mine for dominance. She rakes her fingers up through my hair and I can't help but let out a moan. She then leans toward majoring me lean back and she's on top of me. I flip us over and star to kiss her neck. I suck on the skin carefully but pleasurable. If her mom or my mom sees a love bit on her they will kill both of us. But just as I reach above her collar bone, she groans and clenches her teeth and her hands squeeze my biceps as I hover over her. She wraps her legs around me and bucks her hips against me. What's bad is I have a frowning erection and she can feel it and she laughs.

I look into her eyes and she looks into mine. I give her one last kiss on the lips. And she pushes my chest and I fall right beside her.


Ok guys. Here's an update! As promised! love you guys. But sorry it was a while. I have a habit of getting into the story and writing alot. This is why I have long chapters. So thank you for over 1k readers! if you want go follow me on my social media.

Twitter/insta: karajay65

Vine: Kara Mays (back ground color is red and has the same profile picture as twitter.

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